Stupid pistol magazine tricks or 'How to make your gun not run'

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Feb 15, 2003
Here's my latest Michigan Firearms Examiner article on the causes of common problems with semi-auto pistol mags.

Stupid pistol magazine tricks or 'How to make your gun not run.'

"The magazine is critical to making your semi-auto pistol work. Unfortunately, I see students in the defensive pistol classes I teach perform these "stupid magazine tricks" all the time. They are surprised when they have problems: I am not as I've seen it before and I'll see it again.

Here are some of the stupid magazine tricks to avoid..."
I disagree with the full size mag in a compact glock. I have a g19 mag with a coupler in my glock 26 and I have had at least 1k rounds through it(the magazine) without one problem.

I could see if you just slapped the mag in but the coupler keeps it from being over inserted.
One of my Wilson Combat ETM magazines is a problem to load. The follower is catching on the mag catch opening, it feeds reliably but I need to reload my mags a lot at USPSA matches. I think I may trim the follower slightly along the bottom edge rather than bend on the mag body. Even Wilson can market lemons. The article was bland diatribe IMO and the popups were a pain in the a**. I would save your time and stay away from that web page. I do apologize if I am being overbearing but to be sent to any webpage that has that type of popups is spam, IMO.
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Sorry about the pop ups. All of us writers are complaining about them because we know how much people hate them. So far they haven't listened though.

I agree that anybody can make bad mags. The last I knew though, Wilson mags were generally considered "the standard" that other 1911 mags were judged against.

If not Wilson, who is consider the new leader in 1911 mags? Tripp?
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