Subject: VA-ALERT: VCDL Candidate surveys are up!

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May 26, 2003
From: VCDL President <[email protected]> [Add to Address Book] Flag Message | Mark Unread
To: [email protected]
Subject: VA-ALERT: VCDL Candidate surveys are up!
Date: Oct 30, 2003 10:52 PM
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VCDL has now posted the 2003 Candidate Surveys. Election day is
*this* Tuesday, so please take a few minutes to check the survey
answers for candidates running in your district.

The response rate was much lower than VCDL had hoped for, so the
survey may not be useful to many of you. Please check it anyway.

The main page has the 14 questions on the survey with links to the
Senate and House responses to those questions.

VA-ALERT is a project of the Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. (VCDL).
VCDL is an all-volunteer, non-partisan grassroots organization dedicated to
defending the human rights of all Virginians. The membership considers the
Right to Keep and Bear Arms to be an essential human right.

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Really disappointing to see how few candidates even answered the survey.

In my local legislative district, the liberals are trotting out a retired delegate with good name recognition (and little else) to oppose our two-term, very RKBA-friendly delegate, Scott Lingamfelter. Predictably, all the squishy anti-gun, sheep-leading rhetoric is coming to our mailboxes daily.:barf:

TFL Survivor
It is really sad. Both the candidates running for state senate in my district declined to respond. :( Weird, though. Apparently, the Republican is endorsed by the NRA-PVF, while the Democrat claims to be endorsed by GOA. I was going to call his office this week and ask, but I got sidetracked. Anyone from the Winchester/NOVA area know why Herring got GOA's endorsement?
Agree with your observations, but I say God Bless and thanks to VCDL, esp. to Phil Van Cleeve, and Sandy Eisner (of SAS). These folks have worked tirelessly to keep Virginians informed of what's happening, and I will go vote on Tuesday much better informed because of their efforts.

Keep your powder dry & go VOTE!!
Here is the results of the GOA email I received just this AM. Potts did not respond and Herring did. Only one anti-gun response. Potts is a RINO at best.

Questions asked of candidates:

1. Do you oppose "one-gun-a-month" laws that limit purchases of
firearms by law-abiding citizens?

2. Do you support preemption legislation that would totally
prohibit localities from placing limitations on the rights of
citizens to purchase, possess, or carry firearms?

3. Would you oppose legislation mandating "no-safety" zones
designed to ban concealed carry or self-defense?

4. Would you oppose legislation requiring that firearms purchased
by private citizens be registered with law enforcement and
tracked by a centralized record system administered by
government agencies?

5. Do you oppose legislation banning the manufacture, sale or
possession of semi-automatic firearms?

6. Do you oppose legislation banning the manufacture, sale or
possession of large-capacity magazines?

7. Do you oppose laws that would take away the rights of 18-20
year-olds to possess a firearm?

8. Do you oppose laws that allow persons who are shot by a properly
working firearm to sue firearms manufacturers and/or firearms
sellers (strict liability)?

9. Do you oppose laws that would ban the sale of a privately owned
firearm at a gun show unless the buyer submits to a background

10. Do you oppose government licensing to buy a gun?

11. Do you oppose computerized "instant" background check systems?

12. Do you oppose government mandated use of trigger locks or other
locked storage requirements?

13. Would you oppose legislation that bans firearms ownership due to
simple misdemeanors?

14. Would you support Vermont-style legislation that would eliminate
all requirements to pay fees and register gun owners and simply
allow law-abiding citizens to carry firearms openly or concealed
(at the individual's discretion) for any reason except for the
commission of a crime?

15. Do you oppose banning the private ownership of .50 caliber


Y = pro-gun answer
N = anti-gun answer
U = unresponsive or equivocal
R = refused to respond to that question
- = did not return survey (candidates were warned that not
answering the survey would be viewed as anti-gun)

027 D Herring Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y U Y Y N Y
027 R Potts - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Kind of late to get the two :cuss: holes running for the House in my district (Petersen and Rust) to respond with the election on Tuesday.

I'm very conflicted over whom to vote for. They both SUCK.

My state senator, Leslie "I hope you" Byrne "in hell" isn't running. She's about as horrific a gun grabber as you could ever find.
Reaper, thanks!

I know Herring was involved in local politics in Loudoun county or something, and I have no idea whether or not he had the chance to or voted pro-gun in any way.

I also know Russ personally, and while I like him as a person, he's voted anti-gun too many times.

I guess I'm trying to figure out how likely it is that a politician would answer a survey giving the answers gun owners want to hear just to get an endorsement. OTOH, he's not sure he supports background checks for people who want to exercise their basic rights, and he doesn't support Vermont-style carry. *SIGH*

Must be my distrust of all things politician.
Herring was a Loudoun Supervisor. I don't have time to research it, but the only vote I can think of where he would've had an opportunity to show he is 2A friendly is when the county (Jim Burton) wanted to ban all but shotgun hunting and came up with all these ridiculous overlays that would've effectively banned hunting in the county. I do not know how Herring voted on that issue. I know it did fail to pass the board.

Unfortunately for Potts his record on the 2A is a bit more clear. I will also say that Herring will raise taxes if given a chance. I know that he voted for every tax increase he could in Loudoun. Although I think Potts did as well at the state level. So I am conflicted on which one to give my vote. I may take a chance on Herring this go around.

Just an aside not many who responded supported dropping background checks or Vermont style carry. I would actually oppose Vermont style carry since we would not have a state permit and would lose reciprocity with other states with permit systems.

Peterson and Rust did not return the GOA poll.
Reaper, thanks for the info. :)

Yeah, I do realize (by reading what's written) and by having spoken with Potts that both have no problem raping us of more of our hard earned dollars. There's no Libertarian running, and I'm torn. Russ has a bad 2A record, but I'm having trouble bringing myself to vote Democrat. :(


BTW - you know what I'm shocked at? George Allen's stand on the AW ban! Pissed is more like it! :cuss:
Unfortunately we don't have many good candidates anymore.

Allen has been compromised by incumbentitus. It is very contagious and typically takes 2 years or less to develop symtoms. :banghead:

The bad thing about voting for Herring is that if the dems get control then they will push their leftist statist agenda. Some of it isn't bad, but on the whole I can live without it. The repubs aren't much better, but when I look at the percentage of what I could live with in either platform I have to go with the repubs.

Like you said no libertarian running so maybe I'll do a write in candidate.

Tuesday can't get here fast enough.
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