Suggestions for Handguns?

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Sep 6, 2011
What are good semi-handguns to get for shtf situations? Something that is reliable and won't be prone to jamming. I'm thinking the 1911 but what other options are there?
I hate to say it, but in a SHTF situation I would get something other than 1911.
And this is coming from a guy who does like them.

In any case, totally ignoring that whole "SHTF" thing ...

My advice for anyone wanting to buy a gun is this:
Major brandname manufacturer.
Shoot one before you get one.

As much as people are down on whatever company they don't like, these days you are going to be hard pressed finding a truly bad handgun from a major manufacturer.
And this is coming from a guy who does like them.

Same here. In fact, I love mine.

I'd think that G19 would be more adequate for the role. Somewhat small and concealable, reliable, ugly... I mean utilitarian, fairly cheap and abundant parts, and a very common round that's relatively cheap to practice with. It's a good all around gun that can cover various roles, not horribly expensive to practice with and won't break the bank.
My 1911 is exactly what I'd want on me in a worse case senerio.
Check out Dan Wesson, Les Baer, Ed Brown, Guncrafter, and Colt.

Other pistols that you can't possibly go wrong with if your new to this:
Glock 17,19,34,23, 22, 35
S&W M&P 9mm
If we're talking SERIOUS wrol type scenarios, then a Glock is probably going to be your best bet. Of course, even in really bad areas like Somalia, the guerrillas never seem to have any problems getting hold of the guns and accessories they want. My guess is that if you go with any major handgun, even in a pretty bad scenario, there will probably be enough spares out the to keep your gun running for a long, looong time. So, in conclusion, go with what you like!
Turn off the power in the US for one week. You won't find anything, anywhere!

Don't count on being able to find Glock parts because they are popular. Stock up yourself, or have none. So don't overlook less popular solutions. You'll only be able to count on your own stockpile for quite some time.
We really don't do SHTF threads here, and 'most all common production handguns are pretty reliable.

'Sides, if the S ever does HTF, a gun won't be on the top ten list of answers to your needs.
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