Suggestions for reducing violent Crime in theUK

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Feb 7, 2007
Gillikin Country
Now that the Brits have been disarmed and are experiencing record high crime the home office is taking swift and sure measures. Apparently the Brits now want to try a novel approach. Send the criminals to jail (even if only for a short period of time). Unless of course you have an excuse for your vile behavior like; "I really needed the money, or I have a drug problem".

I could not find more of this report on line. I heard about the article on European News broadcast last night. If anybody has a copy of the report it might make interesting reading. Certainly the future if we lose Heller.

My questions are plenty. After all if you are not allowed to fight back if you are being attacked are you not automatically legally as helpless as everyone else?

March 11, 2008

Stealing from the elderly or a school 'should mean jail'Frances Gibb
Thieves who target the elderly should be jailed for at least 18 weeks and longer if they take items worth more than £2,000 or with high sentimental value, a sentencing watchdog said yesterday.

Burglars entering vulnerable community premises, such as schools, churches or doctors’ surgeries, would also earn a heavier penalty. The watchdog recommends that sentences should be heavier because of the “higher than usual degree of harm in terms of inconvenience caused” but courts would have the discretion to impose a community order.

The council proposes a maximum of three years in cases that involve force or intimidation against a vulnerable victim. It also sets out a range of proposed sentences for thieves who steal from shops. At one end of the scale, members of organised shoplifting gangs who intimidate their victims or use or threaten force should face jail of up to four years, it recommends.

At the other end, opportunist thieves who steal from small independent retailers are likely to be fined, unless they are already subject to a banning order or involve a child in carrying out the offence.

For “theft in breach of trust”, such as workers stealing from employers, stealing less than £2,000 could be dealt with by a community order or a fine, but stealing up to £20,000 could mean at least 18 weeks’ custody.Taking £125,000 or more should carry a two to six-year jail term.

Where mitigating circumstances are taken into account, they can include stealing to feed an addiction to drugs, alcohol or gambling, or being “motivated by desperation or need”.

The council’s proposals are open for consultation until May.
Is being in prison in the UK anywhere near as bad as it is in the US? Because I could easily see how that would make a difference in the cost/benefit analysis that takes place during the premeditation of a crime.

Pleezebelieve, if I lived in the Netherlands, I'd be in and out of jail all the time on weapons charges. I saw their sorry excuse for a slammer on TV, and it looked like a dormitory, right down to the PS2s. I don't know who's softer, the populace or the criminals.
I could easily see how that would make a difference in the cost/benefit analysis that takes place during the premeditation of a crime.

Interestingly, that's what makes you different than most people who end up in jail - you are cognicent of the "cost/benefit" of committing the crime - the utilitarian approach, so to speak. The deterrent affect of penal punishment, however, has never been effective in and of itself in reducing or inhibiting crime. Those who would commit crime oftentimes don't care about the consequences of their actions or quite often don't fully comprehend the same. (Just my 2 cents as a former crim defense attorney...)
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Huh? I thought everybody in the UK was a prisoner in an open air jail. Anybody want to take bets on how much longer till that powderkeg blows up?

I doubt it. Won't make much difference either way though. What are they going to fight with? Harsh words?
This country is very rapidly on its way to hell in a handcart.

we have gangs of what are effectively feral kids harrassing and beating up OAP's, women, other kids etc, if you are stupid enough to fight back you'll either get A. mob attacked B. Stabbed or C arrested for assaulting a minor.

in court they will have little timmy looking all innocent in his school uniform, or he will just sit there in the knowledge that hes unde 16 so all he will get is a Anti Social Behaviour Order, which btw the kids think is some kind of honour.

sadly I would love to blame the immigrants but in the main it isnt, its the normal british kids, even in small villages.

It makes me sick to think that I put on a uniform everyday to represent the british public

8 years 3 months and counting, will the last one out turn out the lights!
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