Sweet PIF

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Contributing Member
Oct 19, 2013
Southern CA
A Big Thanks to SC_Dave for this sweet PIF of plastic tubes for bullets (Complete with cotter pins!):cool:
and a neat custom made support bracket.

He remembered me asking about where he got the tubes a while back.
I never got around to ordering any so when he got his new bullet feeder he sent me his!

As soon as I have dinner and rest I will have to try them out.:) SC-Dave1.jpg

Thanks again,
I really appreciate it.
PIF Spirt lives on at THR.

PS Support painted Hornady Red:)
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They hold the bullets that go into a bullet feeder die.
You can load up the tubes in advance and when one is empty replace it witht a full one in the die and pull the cotter pin holding the bullets in out and they drop into the die.

Hornady wants about $45 for three aluminum ones.
The plastic is a much less expensive alternative.
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