swivel stud tightness

old fart

Apr 25, 2010
I just got my second Maverick 88 security, it cam with swivel studs installed but not lined up. I got the stock easy but the one on the mag tube is not as much. I couldn't get the short one to fit straight even with a thin washer so I used the next size length up with a thin nut and washer. Now I have it pretty snug and can't move it with my finger but if I put some pressure on it with allen wrench in hole it still wants to turn but it ain't easy. On my other gun I tightened the nut with stud 1/4 out of alignment then as I turned the stud it got real tight. I did this one too but it sseems the stud wants to keep turning down even tho it is real snug, it still with some pressure will turn. I just don't know if I should try something different. Thanks