Take the challenge

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I'd like to add to the challenge: If everyone here could turn one neutral but anti-leaning person to our side with reasonable and polite debate, we'd win no question. Consider that one an intermediate goal ;)

My current count of converts via news comments: 3

Sounds like a low number and it is, but I consider each and every one a victory worth the effort. Every single one I turned not on logic about preventing violence with peaceable arms but with the same emotion they used: Why throw us under the bus when there are still mutually acceptable answers left to consider? Why deprive so many of a right they feel strongly about just because you don't? I also promised in many of my replies to the reasonably on the fence people that there would come a day when a right they cared about and I didn't would be under attack, and when that day came I would be there fighting for them even if it did not matter to me.

Also have plans to take 2 new people shooting in the next couple of weeks, and have recruited 3 new NRA members in the past few days. We will make it through this as we have before, just keep up the pressure and hard work!
Well, The Well-Armed Woman website is looking for local chapter leaders... I have the paperwork and am considering this. Lots of women shooters in my area. Don't count the women out of this debate!!
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