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Oct 25, 2010
is shooting at photo's of political leaders against the law? i would think that they seriously would not like it, but it should not be. but in these days of political correctness, and all sorts of crazy no sense things going on, i really don't know any more.
This is nothing new. There were stories of people getting Secret Service visits (but nothing more than a visit and a few questions) as far back in the Clinton days. They are looking to see if you have a few screws loose, nothing more.

It's certainly in poor taste.

But it's legal. In fact, I would bet that if a prosecutor were foolish enough to try and push it it would end up protected political speech.

Destroying effigies of unpopular leaders is nothing new in this country, and has been legal the whole time.
Shooting a piece of paper...


Posting a picture of the target with bullet holes in it on Facebook...

Poor judgement

Posting a picture of the target with bullet holes in it along with politically incorrect comments...

Some folks in the Federal Government are going to become very, very interested in you.
Ponder the phrase 'credible threat.' Now consider the phase 'Motive, Means, and Opportunity.'

Then go shoot at whatever piece of paper strikes your fancy. The Secret Service is (mostly) composed of busy adults with important things to do.
YOu have to ask yourself

Do you need the hassles? What you do and publish today will often bite you in the tail tomorrow. Its a matter of degree on what would concern folks.

If you stand outside a politicians office with picket signs, you are exercising your constitutional rights.

If you take a picture of yourself holding a rifle and a newspaper "Kennedy arrives in Dallas"...well...we know how that turned out. :what:
The ranges I visit in the local area have extremely specific "No photos of people as targets" rules. I mean, most of it is to control people coming in and mag-dumping at a photo of their ex, because usually a person that shoots at a photo like that has the potential to be a little unhinged.

Like others have said, it's legal, but in extremely poor taste and might get you into annoying situations.
Perfectly legal. But so is organizing a non-profit in support of conservative political candidates. IRS scandal, anyone?

Shooting targets with the likeness of unfavored political figures is always in questionable taste, but sometimes expressing displeasure with a regime can have real consequences.
I've wondered--casually--if G. Gordon Liddy ever caught any flak from the Feds after he yakked on his radio show about shooting at targets with Clinton's face on them. As a felon, he wasn't supposed to even touch a firearm.
If the day comes when you are forced to defend yourself using a firearm, do you want prosecutors having available to them evidence that you shot at photos of people for fun? (Hint: No, you don't.)
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