Taurus 24/7 Pro - Any departments issuing?

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VERY unlikely to happen as the Pro is a single action pistol. I can see the regular 24/7 being adopted however.
Haven't seen or heard any police departments issuing this pistol. Normally Taurus products aren't issue items. Backup maybe,but not general issue. If there were contracts out there it would have shown up somewhere.Police agencies usually go with other brands for major use. Individual officers by their own for backup or off duty firearms have and do buy Taurus. How much of the market does is a mystery. Gunwriters who train officers have documented this, but stats on that are hard to come by. Armorers for departments may be qualified for off duty and backup guns. Haven't ever seen an armorer school for mass issued pistols for Taurus. If I am wrong will somone please correct.
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