Tell Obama how you feel about guns!

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It looks like you have to sign in to vote and then search for the question about gun control.

"Are you going to avoid gun control like the plague, thereby denying Republicans an easy line of attack?"
3 like the question and 10 don't like the question.

Remember that you want to click on the check-mark and not the X.
It looks like you have to sign in to vote and then search for the question about gun control.

This is enough to make me not participate.

"Are you going to avoid gun control like the plague, thereby denying Republicans an easy line of attack?"

So much for Obama's "unifying and bipartisan" stance. The nature of that question is morbidly divisive.

I think that using Obama's technique of dealing with tyrants through "talk, diplomacy, and reason" does not work when you are dealing with his administration. In other words, posting pro-gun comments (regardless of their quality and rationale) on his site is a complete waste of your time.
So much for Obama's "unifying and bipartisan" stance. The nature of that question is morbidly divisive.

Then write your own. Something like, "How do you plan to defend our second amendment rights?". The more questions the merrier, and the more of us who will be heard. I signed up for an account to comment — it took me ten seconds at most.
Then write your own.

I would, but I refuse to "log in" to his site. Principle I suppose. No sooner would I log on to al Qaeda's website and tell them that I think terrorism is bad. It is wasted breath. We will not win this fight through ""talk, diplomacy, and reason". I think the only way Obama will leave our gun rights alone is if we make it clear that we will not tolerate any more Federal gun control. He needs to know that free States will not abide by any further Federal restrictions that violate the constitution. And that Washington's ongoing infringement of our rights will lead to to an outright civil war. There, I said it. I will not tolerate any more Federal gun control. If they pass another ban, then they will turn me into a criminal. I am currently a law-abiding citizen with a family, a job, an education, a life. But there is no way I will abide by any more "common sense" Federal gun regulations. If they want to take my weapons away, they can come and get them!

This fear of Obama and his regime is not rational. He needs to fear us... plain and simple. I am sure that as an intelligent man, he already does. We are 80 million strong... such an army, nothing can defeat.
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I agree with what you said. I will never login to any website thats accociated with him. I would not matter what we say anyway. He will do what he wants no matter what anyone says,does or thinks. The people wanted change now they are going to get it.
Let me remind folks that negativism and tearing down each others ideas isn't part of what Activism is about.

Don't like the idea? Open your own thread and propose an alternative
i did one better and i wrote him a letter, three weeks ago. and another a week ago. no response yet, but i dont really expect one anyways. i also wrote my senators and congressman. John Boozmen sent me a letter thanking me for my letter and hand wrote that he would vote against any gun legislation. But he knows my mom, so maybe im special.
Let me remind folks that negativism and tearing down each others ideas isn't part of what Activism is about.


Sorry chief... I was confused initially and thought that the question you posted on that site was actually posted by their sight administrators to be voted on by us. Later I realized that you actually add the questions... not their site admins.

Anyway, I wasn't trying to bag on you. I thought that the question would have been pretty divisive coming from an Obama employee. But coming from a site user such as yourself, I think it was a valid inquiry.

Anyway, I apologize for dogging your question. I thought it was posted by one of Obama's minions.
Time to bring it up a notch

It's back. Check out Urban Policy -

Address Gun Violence in Cities: Obama and Biden would repeal the Tiahrt Amendment, which restricts the ability of local law enforcement to access important gun trace information, and give police officers across the nation the tools they need to solve gun crimes and fight the illegal arms trade. Obama and Biden also favor commonsense measures that respect the Second Amendment rights of gun owners, while keeping guns away from children and from criminals. They support closing the gun show loophole and making guns in this country childproof. They also support making the expired federal Assault Weapons Ban permanent.
I believe that BO has gotten the message from gun owners across the country that we don't trust him. Firearms and ammunition are being sold in record numbers since the election and no letter sends as strong a message as that.
yeah he got it

but acknowledging the message and doing something about it? humph AWB 2 coming soon. putting it back up on his website says alot... I'm betting the daily KOS and Frady Bradies have a post very similar to this one here on THR out there.
"Tell THR how you feel about guns"... and a post saying "do you think THEY got the messge"?

I digress...Yeh he got the message and he shot one right back to us. Arts Grammaw won't let me say it here, but lets just say he waved at us, but without all of his fingers.
Tell more than just Obama

I think it's important to realize that Obama cannot pass laws all by himself. Our Senators and Congressmen need to be told how we feel as well.

For example, this morning I wrote to my Senator telling her how happy I was over the Department of the Interior's announcement to allow law abiding citizens to carry and transport firearms on DOI lands. I closed asking her to continue to defend my Second Amendment Rights.

Obama cannot sign any law until after the legislature sends it to him. We need the legislature on our side...
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