Terminology: pistol or revolver?

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Pistol = handgun. If pistol only referred to auto-loaders, why would they have designated 'acp' as in automatic Colt pistol?

M2, in the Department of Redundancy Department;)
A firearm designed to be held and fired with one hand.

tr.v. pis·toled, pis·tol·ing, pis·tols
To shoot with such a handgun.

\Pis"tol\, n. [F. pistole, pistolet, It. pistola; prob. from a form Pistola, for Pistoja, a town in Italy where pistols were first made. Cf. Pistole.] The smallest firearm used, intended to be fired from one hand, -- now of many patterns, and bearing a great variety of names.


n : a firearm that is held and fired with one hand [syn: handgun, side arm, shooting iron]

Main Entry: pis·tol
Pronunciation: 'pis-t&l
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French pistole, from German, from Middle High German pischulle, from Czech píst'ala, literally, pipe, fife; akin to Czech pistet to squeak
Date: circa 1570
: a handgun whose chamber is integral with the barrel; broadly : HANDGUN

In effect, both are correct. Trying to say otherwise is splitting hairs.
Sam Colt referred to his revolvers as "revolving pistols." Old Sam's word is good enough for me.

And BTW, what difference does it make? If I invent a new one -handed weapon and decide to call it "The Avacado 2" whose to say I can't?

"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet." (Shakespeare)
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