Texas: Proposed Bad Gun Laws

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Aug 29, 2006
Central Texas
Two bills have been filed in the current session of the Texas State Legislature by Representative Davis (D) of Dallas that are very anti gun.

HB 594 Concerns Gun Shows. Points include:
1. Records of all sales of any firearm will be maintained.
2. Instant Background Check will be performed on all sales of any firearm.
3. Prenotification of Gunshow to officals ahead of time.
4. Violation is a class A Misdemeanor (the highest class of misdemeanor).

HB 595 Concerns a waiting period on the sale of handguns. Points include:
1. One handgun purchased per 30 days.
2. Records of sale sent to the State (to verify only one sale in 30 days).
3. Violation is a State Jail FELONY.

I understand that some other states have similar laws in place, but this kind of thinking especially in Texas really burns my bacon.

Below are web site URL addresses to these bills which have been filed.

HB 594

HB 595
Yuck, that's got the PRK stamped across it. Time for the Lone Star State to do the right thing and tell Representative Davis to stick it where the sun don't shine.
Dear ___________________________,

As a concerned voter and citizen of this great state of Texas, I would like to bring to your attention two measures before our state legislature which I find appalling. They are HB594 and HB595.

Both of these proposals are not only egregious violations of the rights that we seek to protect in our state, they are needless bureaucratic measures which would only effect the tens of millions of Texans who obey the laws of this state in the first place.

I personally find it offensive that someone in our state government would even propose such an outrageous idea. I hope I can count on your support in fighting this travesty.

Sincerely Yours,

Sending this note to my state reps, senator right now.
Maybe some of our members could post the letters they've sent, intend to send, or useful templates for those of us less prone to civilty and cordiality when discussing the topic of gun control.
This is what happens when you start compromising on a right. The gun haters will just keep on keeping on until that right is gone.
I am really quite surprised that this kind of legislation would be proposed in this state, given the recent strides made for CCW. I was pretty happy with the direction things were going with Texas getting Concealed Carry, but I guess you can never let your guard down.
they propose laws like this every year. Texas, despite what most people think, has never been as liberal as many other states towards guns, especially handguns. Although our Democrats, which held power a long time, aren't like Mass. Dems, it took a little while to get a swing. Looks like it is time to write a few letters.
It will not pass... this time, however the conservatives and the NRA need to do more to educate people on the issue of Guns, Gun control and Gun laws. The dems/libs are doing such a thorough job that you have to do quite a job to "crack" the defenses of such people.

I have written my TX reps...

Really don't know why we bother. E-mail isn't read and letters (due to "terrorists" / anthrax) are not opened for 30 - 45 days. Fax is about all that is left.
I just wrote my Texas representative.

'Davis' is Yvonne Davis, the representative from Texas District 111 (southwest Dallas). I'm also writing a note to Tom Craddick (Texas Speaker of the House of Representatves). This kind of legislation needs to be discarded.
If you don't know who your state representative is, go to this link and you should be able to find out.

What gets me is all these bills keep coming back year after year after year... and they are nearly identical to other bills in many states.. Organized "cookie-cutter" anti-gun bills drafted the same way is a definitive attack influenced and probably funded from outside parties...
Thanks, TJ

I read about these bills first on the TexasCHLForum, and on Saturday, wrote all my TX Representatives about these. I also brought up open carry for Texas. I also brought up 2nd Amendment training, and shooting camps for Texas schoolchildren. I dig Texas.
We need to pass a law that if a given "proposal" is defeated twice, then it is 20 years or a super majority vote before it can be heard again.

In Houston, we voted 2 or 3 times NOT to build the stadium. On the 3 or 4 time it was on the ballot, it was passed...

Isn't that like legislative rape? Seriously, we already said we didn't want it, but one time when the masses were tired or drunk or whatever, it gets through...

They can keep bringing it up until it passes, but once the law is in effect, it never goes away.
mbt2001, Tell me about it, we went through the same kind of thing here like 3 times, and they finally slid through a coliseum instead of the much needed water supply lake for the city. So now W.F. has a coliseum with an ice rink in FREAKING WICHITA FALLS FOR A HOCKEY TEAM, named after our illustrious ex-mayor, built by our (now ex) Personal Injury Attorney Mayor, who was her "Protégé’". We really needed an ice skating rink in West Texas more than we needed drinking water, right???
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