Texas: Proposed Bad Gun Laws

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In Houston, we voted 2 or 3 times NOT to build the stadium. On the 3 or 4 time it was on the ballot, it was passed...

Isn't that like legislative rape? Seriously, we already said we didn't want it, but one time when the masses were tired or drunk or whatever, it gets through...

Just rewrite the proposal language until it makes no sense and have the media talking heads convince the masses that up is down and blue is green. Houston is particularly good at it. I want out so bad.

It almost makes no sense to even try to defeat an anointed referendum or candidate here in the city. I think the last of the sane folks are just gonna have to vote with our feet and leave this town to rot and collapse.

Anyway… I’m sending a letter to all concerned. Maybe outcries against stupid bills like this will make our legiscritters more likely to vote for good bills as well.
Legislative Rape...

We just coined a term... Let's write our reps...


I feel the same way. In Houston, our flood drainage is like 1950 - 70 - 80 vintage. It hasn't been updated in ages or really well maintained. That is one of the reasons for the flooding lately plauging this city. The Mayor has only JUST NOW released a plan (and cooresponding tax / bond or whatever) to "update" and "modify" them. That is of course AFTER we spent $300,000,000.00 on that light rail and who knows how many millions on the stadium and the ball park...

One other thing, how on earth is it possible that WE THE TAX PAYERS pay to build a stadium that we turn around and GIVE to some team... Wish I had friends like that.
Contacted my reps:

Naishtat's office just said, "OK, against 594/595, noted, thanks for calling"

Dukes' office wanted name, street, occupation, and reason for being against the bills. This is one of the few circumstances where I feel comfortable hauling out the Iraq vet card, which actually got a really positive response from the office worker.

I'll follow up with a postcard in a day or two.

For those that have worked in such offices: does some intern just run a ledger checking "FOR" and "AGAINST" for every phonecall and postcard, or how does all this commentary get relayed to the politician?

Yes, these laws always get put in for every legislative session, but rarely go anywhere. TSRA normally has some pull in Austin.

I wouldn't be too worried unless they actually get out of committee.

Texas may be more pro-gun overall, but we still have our share of fools.

:D I got out of Houston last summer. I am happy for it. Both my brothers live in suburbs and are insulated from it a little.
Response from my Texas State Representative, Jim Jackson

While I have not yet read these bills, they don't sound like anything I would support. Thanks for the e-mail !Regards Jim J.

Good to hear that.
I got the same response from my Rep, basically stating there was no way he'd support.

This is just some D trying to suck up to the bigger D machine.

Nothing to see here.
Even if there's zero chance that it pass, it doesn't hurt to contact the reps.

If everyone gets the picture that even slight anti-RKBA probings will result in ticked-off voters, we can prevent the silliness from ever seeing the light of day.

Response from Armando Martinez D-Weslaco (District 39):
Thank you very much for your e-mail expressing your thoughts and
concerns. Input from our constituents and fellow Texans concerning
issues that we must vote on is invaluable.

If you have not already done so, please send us your mailing address,
email address, phone and fax numbers. A daytime phone number is
helpful to contact constituents on different issues as they arise.

Such information allows us to keep the residents of District 39
informed about issues and events at the Capitol, as well as in District 39.

Thank you again for your communication. Please know that we are
working hard to address the needs for the people of District 39. Our office is
always open to you.

Best regards,

Armando "Mando" Martinez
State Representative Dist. 39

I am really happy to receive this form letter back asking for my home address and other personal contact info. That shows he's on top of the issues that affect Texas.
next time around maybe they'll get clever, and make it look like the bill is saying you have to buy one gun every thirty days. then they'll change it at the last minute.
Buying more than one of something goes from legal to being a felony overnight? They should have just made it the death penalty because that's what it is going to result in for some people.
Here is the latest piece of 'legislation' proposed by Rep. Davis of Dallas in the current session of the Texas Legislature. This was not noticed because it was from Rep. Davis, but because of the bizzare nature of the bill. Wonder what sources she uses for her 'facts'. Not gun related, but tells me something about the Author of those previously referenced anti-gun bills. Good thing I'm typing, as I'm pretty much speechless at the moment (Federal & Foreign policy from the state legislature?).

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