That old farm stone

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Dec 22, 2002
Between black coffee, and shiftn' gears
Old boy has had a Norton India coarse/fine IB8 stone forever he keeps in the maintenance shed down on the farm.
It has been so long, he nor I can recall how old this stone is.
He bought it along with others for the house, and duck/deer/fishing cabin and some pocket ones just like it.

This stone has sharpened knives from old Imperials to some $300 tactical something or another some fella had with him one day and could not sharpen using some expensive set up he bought, but this old boy just freehand , sharpened it right up.

"Steel is sorta whomper-jawed, you paid how much for this knife without stag handles again? - old boy asked *lol*

We are not bad - just consistent is all.

Anywho it seems his John Deere snagged this stone and dropped it.
OK, there is something about sitting on a John Deere, in a shed, and free hand sharpening a knfe.
Just after all these years, this stone being set down where he does on the tractor , had never fallen off onto the concrete floor.

It did.
It landed flat and two pcs, busted half into and damn near a perfect straight line across the width.

This is really a heartbreak moment.

He does not use oil on a stone, none of us do, just dry and wash from time to time with something and old toothbrush.

"You are supposed to have that PhD in Epoxy, what do you think doc?" he asked me.

"Done it before, just won't take cleaning by fire is all" I replied.

Cleaning by fire: If you ever get oil on a stone, or buy a good used one from a yard sale, put the stone where you are going to made a fire, start the fire, let the stone be in the fire, and when the fire dies, that stone will be clean as a whistle!

Trick is letting it heat up slow, and cool down slow, hence the reason we don't just toss them into a fire.
Oil will burn right out, you can see it coming out.

So, the stone is burned, cleaned.
Then I clean it to degrease it with Parsons Ammonia, rinsed in hot water, and allowed to dry.

A few days later, back down that way, stone is ready and I have Epoxy.
Now I am picky on what brands I use.

I have clean paper, clean toothpicks and all set.
I get this stone really warm ( hot) using a hair dryer , this draws in epoxy into pores.

-Mix equal parts of Epoxy, really good on clean paper, and toss that toothpick aside.
-Apply with fresh toothpick this Epoxy.
-Leave that toothpick in Epoxy.
I do this because that toothpick in epoxy will tell me when whatever is expoxied is set - or - if I check it and it has not, I goofed up mixing it.
(which I don't do, since I have done this so much , still best to check)

I checked the toothpick and getting "set" to where I want it.
With it taking a set, I can remove any epoxy that smushes out.
As it set more, and still not hard, a knife removed more.

I am still apply some warm hair set on low to assist with all this.

Toothpick is hard as a rock in the epoxy.
I choose to leave it be, and set.

On the coarse side, one cannot see where the break is.
Fine side, there is real fine line.

Sharpened a Old Hickory Kitchen knife as we can feel the metal and stone, and know what this supposed to feel like.
At first, I could feel the line, in short order, that stone was back to old self!!

Sentimental that stone is, and back to shed duty, it is old, but has a lot of life left.

Been a year since I did that, and the old boy's wife had made a note on the calendar.
"Might need to celebrate, you ever had a fried apple pie?" -she asked.
"Does the old boy know he married a gal that asks really dumb questions?" - I replied.

I stay in trouble, I still manage to get homemade fried apple pies though.

Look at the grinding stones, Kabir laments
in the duel of wheels, nothing stays intact.

I did not know you could epoxy a stone. That's pretty hip. What if it'd chipped, would you glue the chips back in?

(and where do I find someone willing to fry an apple pie for me?)
Pax, have you tried checking the kitchen?

If the only person in there is you, I reckon you answered your own question. If someone else is in there, you might try bribing them. =)
Now you folks knew using Epoxy on a sharpening stone would work.
You folks are smarter than you give yourselves credit for being.

Norton India resembles a Terra-Cotta flower pot and I know you folks have used epoxy on those - right? See? Pat yourselves on the back for being smarter than you thought you were. *grin*

I was born in mid 50's, folks took care of and appreciated tools, like a sharpening stone. This stone was used to sharpen knives that cleaned and butchered game, garden veggies, food prep and everything else.

Money was tight, no credit cards, and one did without, made do and saved up for what they needed , or sometimes did lay-a-way.
Needs differs from wants.

Now we did not have all these fancy glues back when, and I resisted Super Glue when it came out and still rarely use it.

I do know Super Glue will ruin pearls - so do not use Super Glue to fix your gals pearl earrings for example.
Epoxy works, and again , like anything else, properly preparation is the key, whether it is Pearl Earrings, Sharpening stone, or Bluing a Gun.

Elmer's white glue still works on wood...old tech perhaps, still works better than most new-fangled glues.

Re: chips.

On this stone, where one sharpens, no chips. One corner got nicked and that is no big deal,

I have epoxied Norton India, the Crystolon, and Arkansas of all grits.
Ditto for other sharpening stones.

My old boss, dropped a Norton India IB6 back in about 1970.
I guess it was in about 1990 - 1992 his kinfolks said the stone is still holding up fine , where I epoxied it.
He just had his hands full and tripped over the dawg.

Hardware store once got in a shipment of AR and Norton, that were broken in shipment. Distributer gave them credit and I /we got the stones.
Some we left as "halves" for folks to have as pocket stones when afield, others I epoxied.

IB8 was one I did and gave to a really neat black lady that ran a BBQ joint.
She was ...err...endowed, and even with my long arms it was hard to hug her.
She used that stone forever...last I heard, her kids still are.

If matters ever get bad, shipment of goods is going to get worse.
Little tricks on how to free hand sharpen come in handy during times of disasters such as Katrina.
None of those folks could plug in a electric sharpener, and batteries for sharpeners were better saved or put to use for other things.

Nobody ( I hope) takes a Edge Pro, or Sharpmaker while hiking, canoeing, and doing so for 2 wks at a time.

There is a glass showcase , on the corner, that overhangs a bit, that is still together I assisted a mentor with in 1965.

Skills sets, such as using epoxy, is a defensive weapon, just like getting sleep is.
I like the way he thinks. . . . .

I usually just use a little soapy water on the stone to keep the pores clean. Oil tends to gum up the works. I brought an old stone back one time though by soaking it in distilled ( 5% acidity ) vinegar for about 2 weeks. The vinegar dissolved all the metal that loaded up the stone and then I boiled the stone in some soapy water for about 20 minutes and it was like new. Good to hear about the epoxy trick - dang! where'd I put my JB Weld?
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