The Chinese attacker only wounded 22 kids

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Dec 20, 2012
Another annoying thing I've been seeing on the tube lately references the lunatic that started slashing up kids in a Chinese school. One of the arguments being used by anti-gunners (and even "reasonable" "pro-2nd Amendment" "gun owners") for the ban on "assault weapons" and high capacity magazines is how the Chinese attacker only wounded the kids instead of killing them with an AR-15. Apparently approving the use of a knife in maiming children, they point out how bad it would be if the attacker had an "assault weapon".

China is so much more civilized than the U.S.A., according to them.

Ah, screw freedom and democracy, let's be a Communist dictatorship!!!
Yeah, China is so civilized the Police kill demonstrators in the outlying areas...
Corruption is rampant at all levels
The government is so fearful of an uprising by the ever growing population that firearms are deemed a major threat to the security of the communist state.
Oh yeah, I really appreciate any input China may have to offer :rolleyes:
China is a communist country that bans firearms. Our current administration relates to this concept. Look at the history in China knife attacks in schools. It is long and many are dead.
Communism or democracy have nothing to do with the discussion. By inserting that into the discussion, you're starting to bite at the moonbats baiting you into distration by claiming knives aren't inherently as dangerous as firearms. What we're trying to fairly compare is events caused by a crazy person on an unarmed population. The government (or lack thereof) has very little to do with the discussion.

What is apparent is this guy is so lousy with a knife, he couldn't succeed in killing little children. Even a standard 4" blade, when swiped across a torso will nearly open up a square foot of flesh, vessels, and internal organs. Take a sheet of printer paper and fold it in half. That demonstrates the cross-sectional area a skilled attacker can open up on a human being without much trouble.

William Unek knew what he was doing. His rampage took 21 lives, armed with only an axe. He escaped and killed another 36 with another axe and a stolen police gun. If you're going up against people that use the recent China incident as an example of how sharp objects are less deadly, use William Unek.

Li Xianliang also grabbed a front-end loader and smashed 17 people into pieces. That's something anyone can do.

Yang Jia ran INTO a police station and killed six cops with a knife before he was subdued.

The unsuccessful nature of the 22-injured-victims knife attacker shows that he was rather lousy with a knife, not that knives are inherently less lethal. A knife in most municipalities is still classified as a lethal weapon.
William Unek knew what he was doing. His rampage took 21 lives, armed with only an axe. He escaped and killed another 36 with another axe and a stolen police gun. If you're going up against people that use the recent China incident as an example of how sharp objects are less deadly, use William Unek.

This is what I don't understand=why doesn't NRA SCREAM this from the rooftops! Wayne was on the Sunday show today, and all the papers carried a story about it...why the hell couldn't he SHOW the PROOF that disarmament does not make us safer, but in fact removes the ability for the old, young, small, and weak to defend themselves!

ARGH! This is driving me nuts.
Communism or democracy have nothing to do with the discussion. By inserting that into the discussion, you're starting to bite at the moonbats baiting you into distration

Exactly correct.

It is idiotic to spin in outside politics into this issue unless you're looking to destroy OUR chances to defend the 2A.

Stop poisoning the efforts of people trying to defend RKBA with pet hatreds and stay FOCUSED on the true enemy.
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