The Citizens’ Creed of Arms

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Nov 4, 2008
Central Indy
The Citizens’ Creed of Arms
I, the American citizen, am my nation’s last defense. When the enemy strikes and all else fails, I will be there to defend Her, my nation. My family and my brothers will take up arms and defend until the last drop of our lifeblood the freedom our forefathers died to earn and protect.

I am an American, and here I make my stand.

I will what is in my power to prepare myself. I will train my mind and body to overcome stress and hardship. I will better myself and all of my skills. There is no end to my determination.
I am an American, and I will endure.
In times of chaos, when our just leaders crumble, I will stand tall. I will rise to any challenge that threatens my freedom, and I will prevail. When others look to me, I will not fail them.

I am an American, and I will lead.

With a gun on my back and a bible in my hand I will stand true to my beliefs, never bending, no compromise. Surrender is not an option.

I am an American, and I am will die for my beliefs.

I am an American, and whatever She wants of me I shall become. Citizen, soldier, father, teacher, leader…I serve with my brothers.


What do you guys think? changes/modifications? feel free to send this around to people
"...a bible in my hand..."

Must one be a Christian to be a good American and want to defend liberty?
Interesting Concept

A creed, however, should be brief enough to be memorized.

It should be embracing and not exclusive (the bible thing).

Anyone want to take a whack of a brief, punchy rendition?

I'd be interested in seeing what can be derived.

Let's try to keep the noise to a minimum, though, shall we?

Anyone want to take a whack of a brief, punchy rendition?

I'll give it a lash:

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all."

i apologize if anyone took the bible section as exclusive, i did not mean it as such. i thought that as a country, much of what we are today is derived from christianity. no, you dont have to be a christian to be a good american. that is not my intent at all. i was using it as a representation of the goodness of the american citizen and his history. there is nothing wrong with not being a christian, but as a country we are founded on christian beliefs
(i apologize if anyone took the bible section as exclusive, i did not mean it as such. i thought that as a country, much of what we are today is derived from christianity. no, you dont have to be a christian to be a good american. that is not my intent at all. i was using it as a representation of the goodness of the american citizen and his history. there is nothing wrong with not being a christian, but as a country we are founded on christian beliefs)

Hmmmm, as a christian you might want to rethink that comment.:eek:
just one shot, i think it was a mistake to put any of this up. there is no need to nitpick. i am a strong christian, and would love for everyone to be a christian. but i am not going to tell someone they are going to hell if they are not a christian. if you want to get in a debate about it, feel free to pm me.

anyone have opinions on the original post?
anyone have opinions on the original post?

I think it has some good parts. But it does look like a rough draft. A little bit unfocused and redundant. Try cutting the word count by 50% and post again.
i like it like it alot. I AM AN AMERICAN.

Things to remember and recall.

The Alamo, San Antonio Texas Feb 23, 1836

Pearl Harbor, Hawaii Dec 7, 1941

9/11, New York and other cities in the United States. Sep 11, 2001
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"I will what is in my power to prepare myself."
Might want to watch your wording. I think you meant to say "I will do what is in my power..."

I have to agree about dumping the part of the bible. I'll stand next to my jewish, buddhist, muslim, and hindu brothers in this fine nation to protect it.
Also, the part about the "gun on my back" just doesn't sound right to me. For one thing, my rifle will be slung to my shoulder, or at the ready, not on my back. But other than that, something I can't put my finger on about the statement bugs me.
indoorsoccerfrea, There are many forms of witness and we all have our different ways. The important thing is to be a witness in our life through our words and our deeds. I'm sorry if you thought that I was taking a shot at you.
This was not my intent.
thanks for the correction birddog, i missed that one!
justoneshot, its alright, methinks i got a little defensive. no harm done. i apologize if i said anything to anyone that was in poor taste.
i'll work on a revision and reposte! thanks for the critiques
"I serve with my brothers"

Let's not forget about our sisters too. I had some Female MPs in my unit in Baghdad that would put most men to shame.

Other than that, interesting idea, but I agree it should be a little shorter.

So, are we gonna have actual discussion of the topic, or are we gonna be a room full of giddy teenagers, pointing and laughing instead?

Creeds too corny for you guys?

Ever hear of the Rifleman's Creed?

For those of you who are too cynical to entertain the idea that a creed for armed citizens might have some merit, please laugh quietly to yourself and refrain from posting.

Me? I think I'd like to give the idea a chance.

I am an American Citizen.
I swear to defend her against all enemies, foriegn and domestic.
I swear to exercise my sovereign right to vote, to provide her with the best leaders I can, and my right to keep and bear arms when those leaders fail.
I swear allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, and to the Republic which it defines.
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Maybe a little shorter; but I like it.

Leave the Bible; it's a part of who you are and a part of this nations heritage and blessing.
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