The Coffee Robberies

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Dec 20, 2005

Robbers armed with scalding cups of coffee are making the rounds in three states, splashing convenience store clerks in the face before making off with cash.

This week, police linked 15 robberies involving hot coffee in New Jersey, Philadelphia, and Bucks and Delaware counties in Pennsylvania, as well as in Wilmington.

All the crimes took place early in the morning, primarily at 7-Eleven and Wawa convenience stores. The incidents began Feb. 7 in Clementon, N.J. The last was reported Feb. 13 at a Wawa in South Philadelphia. Investigators are studying surveillance videos for leads.

About 3:15 a.m. Feb. 10, three men in their 20s walked into the 7-Eleven at 1801 Pennsylvania Ave. in Wilmington, and one of the men grabbed a cup of coffee, city police said.

When the men approached the counter, the one with the coffee threw it into the clerk's face when the register was open. They then grabbed cash and ran off.

Wilmington police expect to make the surveillance video public after it is viewed by detectives, said Master Sgt. Steven Elliott. "A robbery of this type is very rare."

The 49-year-old clerk was treated for facial burns at St. Francis hospital. The store manager on duty that night referred inquiries to 7-Eleven's corporate headquarters. He did, however, say that the woman working that night was "fine."

Wawa and 7-Eleven are each offering $5,000 rewards for the arrest and conviction of those involved.

"This is rare," 7-Eleven company spokeswoman Margaret Chabris said of the crime. "This is the first time I can recall somebody doing this. What's even more rare is that from police reports, it's widespread over three states. We don't know if it's the same people committing these crimes or copycats."

In most of the out-of-state holdups, only two robbers were involved.

i thought this was appropriate for the forum given the conspicuous LACK of firearms involved. oh, the lengths to which they'll go to ply their trade.
Does this also have something to say about the quality of the coffee at these convenience stores? Like, it's unsuitable to drink, but suitable as an improvised weapon to incapacitate a clerk?
This has gone on for far too long. Coffee has no sporting purpose and has been shown to be a highly addictive drug.

We must stop the violence. Clearly a case for more coffee control. We must legislate to only sell decaf with a maximum temperature of 80 degrees. I predict an early post closing in the future.
Actually, this thread would work in S&T or L&P. I've heard others use the coffee trick as a defensive measure (i.e. getting a large cup whenever entering a stop and rob or when panhandlers are about) thus serving as a link to S&T. And for L&P, the fact that criminals are finding ways to inflict injury (and these kind of burns can be crippling, notwithstanding how the media plays them down) and carry out their crimes without the use of firearms goes to show that it really is the criminal rather than the tool at issue fits nicely within L&P.
Time to start working on some new one liners...

"Officer, I gotta tell ya, this ain't the best part of wakin' up..."

I wonder if these robbers realize the sheeple mentality that 7-11 instills in their employees. I worked for them half a lifetime ago and policy was to comply with anyone and everyone robbing the store. If they even said 'I have a knife' even if you never saw a knife you had to open the register and let them have it. Occasionally someone would get fired (yes fired) for foiling a robbery but policy was they did not want anyone to get hurt and figured this was the best way. Believe it or not their security policies were actually devised by a convicted multiple felon (go figure). So the bad guys probably don't even need to throw the coffee. Don't know if anything has changed since 9-11.
Actually, throwing the coffee isn't a half bad idea. Burns to the face, hands over eyes, probably didn't get a good look at the robbers before and now can't see them at all.

Finally, the convenience-store robbers are getting some payback after their humiliating defeat in Fast Times At Ridgemont High.

And I can't believe I'm the first to say...

Don't bring a cup of coffee to a gun fight.
Tactical face shields for all convienence store employees! Of course only the police and military can be trusted to use them!
Hot coffee and crime?

I blame Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.

Since this isn't directly gun related, I'm going to close the thread.
It would be fine for a topic at APS, though.
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