The custom Beastbob is done! Pics!

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Jan 5, 2008
Okay, some of you will remember the thread about a week and a half or so ago, that covered the pistol I've named the Beastbob. It started off life as a stock 2007 Dan Wesson CBOB and then Dave Severns ( ) and I started scheming. The pics in that thread were of it about 80% done. Now it's almost totally done - the only exception is the grips are to be smokey Amboyna Burl, and I will wait until I get it back in my hands to make those. Other than that, the internals are done and the oustside has been completed. The black is Dave's own proprietary Hard Hat metal treatment (not a coating) and hardens the stainless up quite a bit while giving it that blacker than black color. Obviously on the slide flats, he polished the black back to a stainless. I think it looks cool! He also jeweled the thumb safeties and the mag release.
You guys wanted finished pics, well here they are:
The point of impact vs. aimed point was always a little high, so we replaced the front sight also to correct it. This is the grouping shot by Dave's shooting buddy after the build, but before replacing the sight. Pretty good I'd say.
Very stunning. The jewel work really sets it off. The jeweled idea sounds tacky, but the finished product is gorgeous. The grips you describe should really make it great looking, post up some pics once you make them!

Send us some photos once you've sent some rounds down range and you've got it dirty. That will look great! :evil:
I said it on TFL and I'll say it again bro, I am humbled by Dave's work, he is truly a master of his craft. I see he even threw on the ole' COTEP cover! That first picture is worth a 1,000 words.
I can't keep track of all your forum names, but this one I'll keep quiet on the other forum. :evil: :D
Thank you gentlemen! It hopefully ships to me later this week. I can't wait!
Here are the rough blanks that I'm going to fit to the Beastbob when it arrives. The spalted maple grips on it is just a set of mine that Dave had at his shop. I think these will fit the "attitude" of the pistol pretty well. ;)
This pistol is beautiful. Congratulations. Personally, I like the lighter grips in the first photos best.
A breast job on me would NOT be a thread I'd want to see. Or want anyone else to see either. :uhoh::D
Funny stuff!
FMJ - Its my standard carry weapon trigger. I just like the STI long carbons. Always have.

Degunner - Dave is a firearms dealer as well as one heck of a pistolsmith. He can build one for you ground up or take a long time favorite and transform it like he did the Beastbob. Here's the link to his site again:
If you want something special, just give him a call. He's as good a person as he is gunsmith!
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