The different coatings available?

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Mar 2, 2010
Saint Louis Missouri
I have a Gen 4 glock 17. After talking about it on here, and being frustrated as hell, I now shoot it great. It's dialed in and I want it forever.

It has a fairly nasty scratch on the top of the slide from a range trip that involved too many people around a small concrete table.

My gun smith said its not bad but he doesn't think a touch up would hold up. He said I could nickel plate it or parkarize it, he doesn't ceracoate.

I have never damaged a weapon before like this. It was actually a friend, but it was an accident. I have this gun that I'm attached to that is scratched.

I'm considering those three coatings or treatments. How could I return it to its most nib form? Or what would most likely hold up the best on the future? I've always preferred my guns in original condition. But I would consider something real rugged or just cool. I realize concrete would scratch anything.

Thanks in advance.
It's a Glock, man. It's supposed to be ugly. But if it distresses you, check out Mahovsky's Metalife. They can polish it and plate it with a superhard finish you can't file off. Have them plate all the steel parts, including the inside the barrel. The finish is so hard it will keep your parts from wearing (except springs). Reasonably priced, too.

A big +1 on what Confederate said about Mahovsky's Metalife hard chrome plating. Incredibly tough and durable, my Beretta still looks like new after many years of use, both at the range and carrying it on hikes through the backwoods.

A scratch on a Glock slide is not easy to achieve. If there is gouge into the metal/a burr along the scratch then perhaps you actually got through the Tenifer. More likely the surface treatment(color) was scratched but not the underlying metal. Have you tried a Birchwood Casey touch up pen? to get a good match you probably will need to smear a second coat with a fingertip and "blend it in" It won't be perfect but the scratch won't glare at you and the Glock will perk on nearly forever.
JohnhenrySTL said:
How could I return it to its most nib form?...
... I've always preferred my guns in original condition.
Why not just send the slide back to the factory and have them refinish it.

They do it for a nominal fee and shipping is cheap as you're only sending the slide
Having Glock refinish it sounds like a good idea if you want to keep it stock. I have had two slides done in hard chrome and it is very durable. I have a G-19 with a hard chrome slide. I like it. Some people don't. Your choice.
Sounds like lipstick on a pig. However I'm not sure what coatings will show, it will depend on the thickness of the product. Cerakote tends to be rather thin as most markings and stampings are still visible. Plating would be pretty thick and parking has a texture that hides imperfections well from what I've seen.

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Its. A. Glock.

Scratches are a sign that you actually shoot the gun instead of just showing it off to your friends. Use it as a badge of honor :).

Use the money you save to buy more ammo or training.

Just my .02,
Now that you posted a pic, no, I would not get that refinished. Maybe take a sharpie to it at most.
If a refinish to original is important then as others have suggested send it to Glock, Metalife is also beautiful for the slide but would leave you with a two tone pistol. Metal will accept Metalife but plastic will not. My Star DK that was quite ugly was brought back to a beautiful life with Metalife.
Jeebus, I thought the entire point of Glocks was that they are ugly from day one so you don't have to worry about cosmetic damage.
Jeebus, I thought the entire point of Glocks was that they are ugly from day one so you don't have to worry about cosmetic damage.

While Glocks aren't the most attractive guns, they are not ugly. I like the looks of my G41 and G34. Hi Points, Jimenez, Raven, Davis, Jennings, Bryco, etc., are all FAR uglier.
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