The Disarming of America please read

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Apr 27, 2007
I've posted this in a couple other forums, but I think it's scary enough to get it out to as many people as possible.

Even gun haters should read this article

I read this article 3 times, looking for the 'just kidding' line, or maybe 'of course this could never happen in america' but I never found it....

These people really exist, and they're on the editorial board of large newspapers...

I've found that it's almost impossible to read this POS and not think the words 'nazi', 'hitler', 'gestapo', or 'jackass'...

About the only article of the Bill of Rights he doesn't shred is the third. and who knows, we may end up putting Mr Simpsons stormtroopers up for the night after all...

Scarier still is Mr Simpson is a former ambassador....musta been a Carter appointment....
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I think even the ACLU would be up in arms over the methodical, and unconstitutional, searches required for such a disarmament. I think most people in America would realize that the power being displayed to remove guns from society could easily be used to quell protests, keep dissenters quiet, and limit almost any other right Americans enjoy today.

But I suppose there's always the possibility.
And he thinks we'll give up guns worth serious money, or family heirlooms, just like that? I think it would lead to other problems he obviously hasn't thought about. Yet!
Holy cow!

This guy wants to toss out almost the entirety of the Bill of Rights!

One of his most ridiculous arguments (definitely not his only ridiculous argument) is that the borders could be sealed off to gun trafficking. That sure has worked well for keeping narcotics out of the country.
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I don't have any problem with hunting, although blowing away animals with high-powered weapons seems a pointless, no-contest affair to me...On the streets it would be a question of stop-and-search of anyone, even grandma with her walker...There could conceivably also be a rash of score-settling during hunting season as people drew out their weapons, ostensibly to shoot squirrels and deer, and began eliminating various of their perceived two-footed enemies.

The man is a loon, plain and simple (my apologies to true Loons). Random sections of our cities cordoned off and house to house sweeps for firearms, stop and search everyone in the street?

RIIIGGHHT! /Cosby as Moses

The result of such folly would be lots and lots of dead "special police" and outright civil war.
Lifeguards don't blame the pool.

AA doesn't blame the booze.
"Special squads of police would be formed and trained to carry out the work"
sounds nice, doesn't it?

"on a random basis to permit no advance warning, city blocks and stretches of suburban and rural areas would be cordoned off and searches carried out in every business, dwelling, and empty building"

This man is sick, and should be denied the right to purchase firearms based on his mental disability. He's obviously "unhinged".

My email to him:
Mr. Simpson,
I read your article about disarming America and have one simple request: if the time comes, and you are granted the ability to disarm America, I will support you. This promise comes with one condition: when America’s guns are to be confiscated, I’d like you to come to my home personally and without a special squad of police. If you have the courage to come to my home in person, I’ll hand you a firearm. I may even let you keep it, provided you are polite. I can’t, however, speak for my wife, who will likely take offense to your confiscation of personal property without compensation, and may become irritable. Her reaction need not be the focus of this email.
Very respectfully,
Wow. I would be paying about $33K. That has got to one of the stupidest things I've ever read.

Since when is the U.S. Constitution to be used as toilet paper?
This guy wouldn't qualify buying a gun as he is obviously mentally deranged!

I see he is an ex-diplomat...he has no business being in government.

Actually, if his policies did come about...that could possibly spark a revolution in the country.
This guy wants to toss out almost the entirety of the Bill of Rights!

One of his most ridiculous arguments (definitely not his only ridiculous argument) is that the borders could be sealed off to gun trafficking. That sure has worked well for keeping narcotics out of the country.
Exactly. Actually, the WoD would be more effective (as would the "war on guns" and even a "war on crime"), if we, like other gun-free-low-crime-socialist-utopias*, tossed out the 1st, 4th, 5th, and 7th Amendment protections.

Antis like this guy think that all would be well without guns. In reality, it is the existence of an oppressive police state that keeps some places in the world "safe," but far from free. He wants to trade my freedom for his safety. I want to keep freedom for both of us and both of us be allowed to provide for our own safety.

*See Singapore, Japan, etc.
I'm going to write the guy.

I think we have it wrong.

I read this, and see it a different way. I think the guy is trying to explain how extreme gun control really is; what extreme measures it would really take to make "gun control" work.

I hope.

Then again, I look for the best in people; it's a fault.
Liberal dimwit didn't think about something
We have, what, 270 million people here? OK, I believe the last stats I heard was half of American household own a firearm, maybe just an old 22 rifle, but a gun. Who do they arrest? If Jr has a 22 rifle in his room, does he go to jail as an adult, or does Mom/Dad go to jail, and the kids to foster homes?
How much prison space you gonna need? This countries ONLY industry will be prison. The economy would grind to a halt. Everyone would either work in a prison, or live there.
Remember, living space, conditions, all the wonderful amenenties and extras, all added by this guy and his people, he'll have to pay for. His taxes will make Sweden look like a capitalists paradise.
And who's gonna pay all the undertakers?
I read this, and see it a different way. I think the guy is trying to explain how extreme gun control really is; what extreme measures it would really take to make "gun control" work.

Nitrogen, this was published a couple days ago-not today! There has been zero come back from the Nazi who wrote it to say "just kidding". This dude is the worst of the worst, and quite frankly, his ramblings frighten me. Wouldn't want him for my neighbor!
Nice try buddy.
Trying to take credit for an idea that Adolf Hitler already did over 60 years ago.

We all know how that turned out.
I honestly can't remember the last time an article actually made me feel physically ill. I'm not sure what delusional state Mr. Simpson was in when he wrote this but it displays an astounding lack of knowledge about history in general, and American history in specific.

If my great uncles were still alive I think this "let's emulate nazi german" op-ed piece would have either killed them outright or caused them to go visit this guy and educate him as to why they spent time and left body parts in Europe during WWII.
i'm not a fan of vitriolic posturing, but that article brings to mind phrases like "from my cold dead hands" and "come and get them." This guy getting his wish is about the most feasible (not that it would actually happen) situation I can think of that would cause another revolution. IMO, it would directly cause the destruction of the United States as we know it. . . but maybe that's what he wants
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