The Eleventh Circuit has upheld Florida's under-21 gun ban, saying that it "leaves 18-to-20-year-old

Jan 5, 2023 — However, Florida law does not prohibit minors between ages 18 and 21 from possessing firearms. In addition, the minimum age prohibitions . Rifles and shotguns may be purchased by a person who is at least 18 when that person is a law enforcement officer or correctional ...
If we were to apply this logic to all citizens, we could say a ban on sales would leave us all free to obtain firearms by means other than purchasing. Presumably, that would drive demand for make-it-yourself machine centers so people could produce their own.
If we were to apply this logic to all citizens, we could say a ban on sales would leave us all free to obtain firearms by means other than purchasing. Presumably, that would drive demand for make-it-yourself machine centers so people could produce their own.

And, yet, here the Fed is spazzing out about 'ghost' guns made from 80% receivers.
Whatever happened to the term “undue burden “? I guess it only applies to some rights and not all.
In FL I can give my 18 year old son a firearm I legally own, that is legal.
In FL I can not give my 18 year old son a beer at home, that would be illegal.
That makes no sense.
They need to decide what age is an adult and apply it for everything; if 18 is adult enough to go to prison it is adult enough for everything else.
Ideally it would be on an individual basis. I have known 15 year olds I had rather see with a gun than some 25 year olds. Or 45 year olds.
Could we read an EEG to determine maturity?