The Few, The Proud...

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Dec 24, 2002
Anchorage, Alaska
From an email I just got...


From a Marine in Bosnia. Note the signature, but read it last.

A funny thing happened to me yesterday at Camp Bondsteel (Bosnia): A French army officer walked up to me in the PX, and told me he thought we (Americans) were a bunch of cowboys and were going to provoke a war. He said if such a thing happens, we wouldn't be able to count on the support of France.

I told him that it didn't surprise me. Since we had come to France's
rescue in World War I, World War II, Vietnam, and the Cold War, their ingratitude and jealousy was due to surface at some point in the near future anyway. That is why France is a third-rate military power with a socialist economy and a bunch of wimps for soldiers.

I additionally told him that America, being a nation of deeds and
action,not words, would do whatever it had to do, and France's support was only for show anyway. Just like in ALL NATO exercises, the US would shoulder 85% of the burden, as evidenced by the fact that the French officer was shopping in the American PX, and not the other way around.

He began to get belligerent at that point, and I told him if he would like to, I would meet him outside in front of the Burger King and beat his butt in front of the entire Multinational Brigade East, thus demonstrating that even the smallest American had more fight in him than the average Frenchman.

He called me a barbarian cowboy and walked away in a huff.

With friends like these, who needs enemies?

Mary Beth Johnson LtCol, USMC

Haha France, isn't that American for wuss? Jim Rome is always on them...whenever a sports team quits, there's always a France reference somewhere.
This is an urban legend and not a true story, but it DOES sound real good.No camp "Bond Steel" in Bosnia among other incorrect info. contained. If pushed I can direct you to debunking site but believe what you like its a free country(barely).:neener:
Did you test drive the new French Tank? One forward gear, ten reverse...

Whats the shortest military history book ever written? The French Spirit of Victory..

Excuse moi but I hate France...
Mark Twain

whenever confronted with a spectacular case of arrogant ingratitude, would say,

"That was downright French of him."
French military history includes (Norman) invasion of Britain, running roughshod over much of Europe and parts of the rest of the world between 16th and early 19th centuries, with the Napoleonic Wars as the high point...ending up in a pretty horrific slaughter on all sides. Even later, in 1854-55 Crimean War they were the first to field operational ironclads (earlier Korean lead is debatable).

Does anyone want to see Napoleon IV as a proof of French fighting spirit?
It's true, France during the 16th-17th centuries was a world power. So was England,Portugal, and Spain. The ensuing years have, however, not been particularly good ones as relates to the influence weilded by them.

Of all the countries that had Global power and could influence the outcome of world events, none of the above qualify.

Of the Super Powers from the last Century, only one survives, the USA. The former Soviet Union has been broken into numerous individual Nations that don't rate the designation. With the exception of China, there is no country that even comes close to the standing of the US.

The French have traded on their former glory as a colonial power and still see themselves as superior beings. In truth their only present day claim to fame is their ability to turn out a really good bottle of wine.
In truth their only present day claim to fame is their ability to turn out a really good bottle of wine.
Some of the cheeses they turn out aren't too bad, either.....

The French have it all...Whine & Cheese....:neener:
Napoleon IV - was that Prince Bon Bon the Prince Imperial who was killed by the Zulus?
Gee, WildAlaska, I'd almost written off your opinions as being way to opposed to my own, and you go and offer that sentiment, with which I so heartily agree.

DeGaulle (sp?): "I insist on the immediate removal of American troops from the sacred soil of France!!!"

Eisenhower: "Including the ones buried there?"
The only problem with this urban legend is that it was not embellished enough. Re-write the story depicting the Frenchman as an effeminate priss wearing a pink beret and eating a croissant while holding a cigarette between his forefinger and thumb.

The Normans were actually decendents of Vikings and were not originally British. They came to be Normans in France. The area called Normandy takes its name from the Normans.


You are quite right about French fireams. I have a MAS 36 and it does not even looked used.

The French are a bunch of effeminate sops who can't beat a girls volley ball team. If not for the Legion they would have no good troops at all!
Not another cheese eating surrender monkey bashing thread.. you guys are incorrigible! :neener:

You guys crack me up. If this thread was taking place on the 1911forum Some Moderator would accuse you all of being racist and ban the thread participants.

Enjoy your freedom to speak your mind. Freedom of expression is a powerful thing and it takes real commitment to allow it. In a free exchange of ideas people WILL be offended. As long as the offended people are French its ok with me.
Well, PARTS of the info are correct... Camp Bondsteel is in Kosovo, not Bosnia. And, if I recall correctly, it IS in MND-E.

With that said, I could see this happening... I met several female Marines during my stay at Eagle Base, Tuzla, Bosnia... and they took NO guff from ANYONE.... :D

*edited 'cuz I can't type *
You guys crack me up. If this thread was taking place on the 1911forum Some Moderator would accuse you all of being racist and ban the thread participants

excuse me sir, attacking the French is not rascist. Rascism is essentially defined as the irrational dislike of a particular race. Our dislike of the French is entirely rational.

And no offense to any AMERICANS of French descent, the
French hate you just as much as they hate any other American...
As any remote semblence of topicality to firearms or the RKBA issue has long since faded into the consistant slamming of an entire nation, I'm closing the thread.

Recall-- this site is open to EVERYone. If a Frenchman should so desire do join our cause, I would very much be ashamed to find that he was chased away by such a thread of this, regardless of our opinion of the actions of the French Government over the last century (including, of course the nation's refusal to allow U.S. F-111's to fly over their nation on their way to Tripoli. Yes, I remember, too.).

Slamming an entire people is beneath us.

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