The french are finished.

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Jun 19, 2006

you are assaulted by an armed burglar, he’ll use his weapon more effectively than you anyway so you’re risking your life.
(Huh? If an armed criminal attacks you, your life is already at risk!)

I understand your exasperation for having been burglarized two times, I understand the fear that your wife and daughter may have but the answer is in the efficiency of the police
(would those happen to be the same police that stood idly by last year and let the muslims burn 9000 cars in Paris?)

That guy is considered the John Wayne or Ronald Reagan of the French. They are done as a civilization. French males may as well slit their own throats, if they can muster the courage. French women should don the Burqa and beg for mercy.

What a miserable, cowardly creature the average French "man" must be. :barf:
I would like to say one thing, in what is my conception of the Republic, security is the responsibility of the State, I am against militias, I am against the private ownership of firearms, and I’m trying to make you think about that. If you are assaulted by an armed burglar, he’ll use his weapon more effectively than you anyway so you’re risking your life. If the criminal is not armed and you are and you shoot, your life will be ruined, because killing someone over a theft is not in line with the republican values that are mine. The private ownership of firearms is dangerous. I understand your exasperation for having been burglarized two times, I understand the fear that your wife and daughter may have but the answer is in the efficiency of the police and the efficiency of the judiciary process, the answer is not in having guns at home.

Sounds like a Nazi state to me. This is so against everything I believe that I have little to say.:barf:
Hear that sound?

That's Napoleon spinning in his grave.

There was a time, long, long ago, when France had the best military in the world. There was a time, long, long ago, when a frenchman's honor meant more to him than his life. I guess two world wars just whipped the fight right out of them. Sad.
"I would like to say one thing, in what is my conception of the Republic, security isn't the responsibility of the State, I am not against militias, I am for the private ownership of firearms, and I’m trying to make you think about that. If you are assaulted by an armed burglar, you may use your weapon more effectively than him anyway so he's risking his life. If the criminal is not armed and you are and you shoot, his life will be ruined by his own actions, because getting shot breaking into someone's home is not in line with the Republican values that are mine. The private ownership of firearms is dangerous to both criminals and facism. I understand your exasperation for having been burglarized two times, I understand the fear that your wife and daughter may have but the answer isn't in the depending solely on the efficiency of the police and the efficiency of the judiciary process, the answer is in having a means of self defense at home."

(fixed) :D
Well, even here, many jurisdictions don't allow justification of deadly force to prevent theft, but, that begs the question: what if the perp is bent on bodily mayhem or murder? The inescapable logical conclusion of his "values" is that a French citizen has no right of self-defense, or, that the perp's life is more legally protected than the victim's.

Sad state of affairs. One can only hope that *when* it gets bad enough, the sheeple will get some balls and demand change.

thats it, call up all the depts france owes us. if they cant pay we sell them to the chinesse. thatl show them how loving, caring and protective a government can really be :cool:
If you are assaulted by an armed burglar, he’ll use his weapon more effectively than you anyway so you’re risking your life.
So,the second I choose a life of crime,some magical transformation takes place that makes me a better gunfighter than every single civilian? Hmm...some body send him a few copies of America's First Freedom.
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