The Hogue "Bantam" Pau Ferro wood grips came

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Kentucky Rifle

Member In Memoriam
Dec 23, 2002
Louisville, Ky.
I liked them so much that I put the new (and thinner) walnut grips I purchased a few weeks ago on the S&W 331 which I keep in a Galco ankle glove. The new Hogues went on my 638. With Hogue's "palm swell", they feel as good as they look. Recoil is handled well. All the people who told me that the 331 BUG needed slick wood grips were right. The rubber grips kinda grabbed the material of my pants. Slick wood grips are much more comfortable.
Hogue wood grips are pretty nice. Pau Ferro wood is absolutely beautiful.

Thinking about replacing the rubber grips on the 637 I pick up Wednesday with smooth walnut grips.
I think you'd like the Hogue walnut grips. I hadn't really compared wood grips that much, but these Pau Ferro wood Hogue grips I just bought are really nice. They feel great and each side matches the other. If you look at the revolver straight on (Unloaded and cylinder open, of course!) you can see where the lines in the wood come together and line up perfectly. The only way I can think of that outcome is if the grip was a "one piece" to begin with and, when finished was cut into the two halves.

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