The importance of taking Coworkers shooting

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It is hard to judge where some people stand in regards to 2A when they say "But I have gone shooting." Because I am sure we have all seen that picture of our current president with a shotgun, and his position as honorary firearm salesman of the last (almost) decade.
Ok, yeah, but read the story
Kagan, as in Justice Kagan, is now an avid hunter
With such a NARROW margin, every one that is a bit more hesitant to say 'no guns for you'
is one more win, and she easily has 20 more years on the bench.

This story alone, will change what some are willing to try to get in front of the SCOTUS gun wise.
Read it yes. I guess my point is "avid hunter" is a wide open term. To someone who has never fired a weapon before, going through a box of ammo during a range trip is avid practice. One duck a season is an avid hunter.
Dont get me wrong, but to be condescending of anyone new to shooting is not an aproach I would condone. I would like to give a great big at-a-boy to Justice Scalia for showing other justices we aren't all frothing at the mouth rabid rednecks. I am a redneck and proud of it so I can relate. However hunting is only one aspect of our illustrious sport and tradition.
I dont hunt much anymore since I have hunted the most dangerous thing on earth, nuff said bout hunting right there. But I still keep my skill level where it needs to be to defend me n mine. Just because I choose not to regail past exploits doesnt make me less of hunter, I can put meat in the pot any day of the week. Does that make me less of a sportsman than someone else? I hope not.
We are slowly winning them over one person at a time, now to start winning over those darn acadamians.
Great job!

This is how we can keep our shooting forever

Take a non-shooter to the range....

I am amazed how many non shooters have become active shooters the past few years i have focused on it.

It is the only way to combat the constant anti 2a crowd......
You know, I would be skeptical of this if Justice Kagan had been one time just to say she could. But the fact that Justice Scalia is not the first person she asked for an invite, and the fact that she has asked to go again and again are good signs to me. I know that the 2nd isn't about hunting, but everybody has to start somewhere and I don't think she'd have ever asked to go to a pistol range to work an IDPA silhouette in the dome piece for her first experience with a gun.
I have to give Kagan credit too... she asked to be taken out hunting.

That's an open mind given her back ground.
Please, please, please, let her shoot an AR or AK and see how she won't become a crazied killer by doing so.

Maybe we can win her to the pro 2nd side!
Most supporters of strict gun control are passively ignorant on the subject. Almost all of the people I know who fall into this category have gone shooting before and actually enjoyed it. They put very little effort however into digging down to the truth of the matter and somehow believe that all the proposed legislation will miraculously only affect criminals and those who wish harm innocent people. If every one of us could just shed some light on one other person, it would do wonders for preserving our freedoms. Like most of what ails this country today, ignorance and blind faith in those who lead us are at the root of our undoing.
on taking co workers shooting: in a post apocalyptic world co workers can be source of food lol
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