the JBS on "Why We Fight"

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Dec 24, 2002
Lacomb, Oregon
click here to read the story

While long, and with the standard mix of anti UN/trilateral commision point of view, there are some interesting concepts.

To deal with such challenges to the envisioned world order, the world government authority described by Bloomfield would require an "international force, balanced appropriately between ground, sea, air, and space elements" as well as "a nuclear force" and (Bloomfield suggests) perhaps even a stock of chemical and biological weapons. In this system, the UN (or, once again, a successor) would "monitor and enforce disarmament, settle disputes, and keep the peace. All other powers [would be] reserved to the nations," which would be "disarmed to police levels." Furthermore, "a significant ‘UN presence’" would exist in all countries to monitor and enforce the disarmament program.

Of course, in the name of keeping the peace, the world government authority would be prepared and authorized to wage war. Under the system described by Bloomfield, a national government could be charged with "aggression" without violating the borders of another nation-state, or even threatening to do so. A nation could commit this supposed offense simply through "overt repudiation of the new order and the political system representing it," particularly by developing weapons forbidden by the world government authority. This would supposedly justify war in order to "abort such violation by imposing timely sanction upon a violator in the form of immediate seizure of the forbidden facilities, punishment of those responsible, etc.," writes Bloomfield. Again, note how Bloomfield’s words foreshadow, with uncanny detail, the Bush administration’s approach to Iraq.

Creation of this "new order," Bloomfield predicted, could come about either through gradual, evolutionary means, or through "a grave crisis or war to bring about a sudden transformation in national attitudes sufficient for the purpose.... [T]he order we examine may be brought into existence as a result of a series of sudden, nasty, and traumatic shocks.... For the United States, as well as for the other countries, a threshold will have been crossed from one historical condition to another, drastically different one. However many stages it takes, however tacit or explicit the labels, however gradual or violent the process, there is a Rubicon that divides … basically untramelled national sovereignty from … meaningful supranational authority."
and from Barnett:
Barnett calls those regions of the world belonging to the emerging global system — such as the European Union and Russia, much of the Pacific Rim, and the NAFTA nations — the "Functioning Core." Nations and regions not yet absorbed into these arrangements fall into "the Non-Integrating Gap." This includes much of Africa, the Middle East, and the Islamic world in general, as well as parts of Asia and Latin America — all of which represent potential theaters of military action as the rulers of the emerging global system plot their wars of assimilation.

"The reason I support going to war in Iraq is not simply that Saddam is a cutthroat Stalinist willing to kill anyone to stay in power, nor because that regime has clearly supported terrorist networks over the years," observes Barnett (a key adviser to Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld). "The real reason I support a war like this is that the resulting long-term military commitment will finally force America to deal with the entire Gap as a strategic threat environment."

Assuming that the division described by Barnett reflects the Bush administration’s strategic priorities would explain apparent anomalies in the way it has conducted the "war on terrorism." For instance, why are Russia and China regarded as allies despite their major role in sponsoring international terrorism for at least five decades? Barnett explains that Russia, while corrupt and still in the authoritarian clutches of "former" KGB officials like President Putin, has been connected to the international network of finance and "collective security," and thus is part of the "Core."
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