The loss of Saigas???

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Jan 12, 2006
Texas, baby!
I heard from a friend of mine, who is a ffl dealer, who said that Isevsk is going bankrupt; I guess the owners got heady with Capitalism, and splurged the company money, with too many boats and planes, and hookers and drugs and such. Anyway, he said they are allready in Bankruptcy, and that whatever saigas are left , are it. And unless someone rebuys Ishevsk or picks up the saiga line, there will be no more Saigas eventually. Anyone got any more info?
rangerruck, you've apparently missed the (multitude of) memos debunking this.

This was a mistake in translation from Russian into English.

Same "Izhvesk is going bankrupt!" story came up a couple of years ago for the same reason (mistranslation).

P.S. Some dealers LOVE using FUD tactics to sell more guns.
As Nalioth stated this is bunk. BTW I don't buy from gun dealers that attempt to inflate prices or augment sales via fear mongering. Your "friend" is either misinformed and without the good sense to do some basic research before spreading rumors, or one of the afore mentioned types.
Good, good ,good... I figured my dealer friend was wrong, and that Ishevsk would have way too much backing, even from the russian govt.,to go under.
I'll tell him so he doesn't do anything stupid...
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