The Matrix Revolutions--gangsta hold goes too far

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Dec 29, 2002
Los Anchorage
I just saw The Matrix Revolutions on DVD and I now believe we have reached complete saturation on the whole "gangsta" style sideways handgun hold. The 'mechs the humans were riding in fired their handgun-like machine guns SIDEWAYS.

At least they weren't shooting giant deagles.

What's the next trend I wonder? Holding hanguns completely upside down?
I watched it the other night as well. I had no problem with how the mechs shot their guns since it seemed like their was no aiming mechanism other than tracers. But don't you think they should have put a little bit of armor over the driver? :p
Hehehehe... actually, its good to have movies like that. That way, gangstas and others have a good example of how to shoot. Makes the innocent bystanders a lot safer too. :D

Look at that cheek weld and shoulder pocket in the The Matrix picture.

*** are those guys thinking?
That must be the most idiotic picture I've ever seen...
If they had the technology to design an APU, you'd think they'd could have designed an armored ammunition carrier too. Instead they send out Gunga Din and two infantrymen as escorts.

Furthermore, what's so "armored" about the APU when the operator is almost 100% exposed to a Sentinal's arm?
It would appear Neo is using the "hollywood" machinegun whereas no magazine is neccesary, it just keeps shooting and shooting until a car or bus or building explodes.

Being a big Matrix Freak I had to go check to see if that was for real because I thought it looked so funny. Every scene Neo had an AR, it had a magazine in it so I can assume maybe it's just some picture they took during a "dry run".

But I had the same idea about the APUs, not very good at stopping sentinels that get too close. Maybe they were meant for fighting some other kind of robot. :rolleyes:
I didn't like the use of the "rifles" on the APU's at all. Just mount the guns to the arms........did they really need a faux stock?
He doesn't need to raise the butt to the shoulder. He's shooting over his sights and since he's in the matrix, he can rewind till he gets the bullets right on target. :)
Let's remember that we're criticizing inaccuracies in a movie about a buncha human batteries starting a rebellion...

Comeon guys... did you expect anything less?

Still raising the rifle to align the sights, is he?

Then his finger should be off the trigger. Not squeezing it. Since he has at max only one round to shoot, he wants to be on target before the shot.

Bart Noir
His ability to do physical things depends on his ability to manipulate computer code. Therefore the mechanics of shooting are unimportant.

I don't believe The One would need to aim, pull the trigger, or even load the gun to be able to successfully shoot someone.
Odd. I was just thinking about posting some things regarding the Seige Scene last nite. The Gangsta Hold didn't bother me too much, since it seemed to be simply a matter of convenience; usually in transition of acquiring a new target. The lack of armor did bug me but I assume the APU's probably weren't initially designed for combat. I'll hazard a guess they served other purposes, such as digging and cargo, as did the loader in Aliens.

But here's what DID bug me and what made me want to post: We have the last bastion of concious human civilization knowing that sooner or later they'll have to do battle with sentient machines. Obviously the machines are totally dependent on high-end electronics. Duh. So in defense these humans create bombs and missiles and large-caliber guns. Makes a point, but...

WHY was the only way to generate an EMP one battered ship making a run down a tunnel!!?!?? Out of all these great brains nobody came up with the idea of designing and building at least three or four mobile focused EMP generators? *PULSE* 10,000 dead Sentinels at a shot. *PULSE* There's another load. Where's the clean up crew over here?! These things are piling high and stacking deep.

Doesn't even have to be successful. So the Sentinels still overwhelm them. Doesn't hurt the desired(movie) outcome at all. But the total lack of even the idea? Drove me absolutely ape-crap.
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