The most objective piece on the gun debate I have seen

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Aug 4, 2004
Raleigh, North Carolina
Once in awhile, while randomly surfing this bohemoth we call the Internet, you stumble upon something you did not expect. Being a regular here at THR, of course you can infer where I stand on the "gun control debate". But the extreme objectivity of this piece was what struck me. Not only that, but it seems to be very up-to-date (talks about Alaska unrestricted CCW) and well-informed.

Why it is at what seems to be an astology domain (something I scoff at regularly) I do not know:

This piece seems, at least to me, to spell out everything that you and I rant about in reference to the gun control "issue". I would feel comfortable about uninformed people, in our country and others, who label us "gun nuts" reading this article to better understand this debate.
I haven't the time to read the entire article, but it seems pretty even-handed.

Of course, being ardently pro-gun, and truly believing that we are on the "correct" side of the debate, I would not find anything but a pro-gun ownership article to be "objective." I truly believe that the only way to be correct regarding this issue is to be pro-gun. Logic and truth simply do not support the gun control / gun ban agenda, not one iota.

Astrology vs Astronomy - I saw a cartoon once where a teacher was welcoming students to his Astronomy 101 class. A kid asks what the difference between astrology and astronomy was. "Lots and lots of Math." Last tile showed all but one or two students had left.
Alright, alright, so I read the word wrong. Although it's not like that article being hosted at an astronomy site makes any more sense than it being at an astrology site, anyway.
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