The new store opens tomorrow!!!!!

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Very nice.

Looks kinda like Scottsdale Gun Club. Hopefully you'll be a little more welcoming, though.
I wish I lived in Utah, I know where my money would be going. Lighting in a gun store, I cant believe it. No dirt or dust, and you get to pick from a variety not sight unseen out of a catalog! I am jealous.
It appears PvtPyle has been provided with the proper motivation!!!

It looks great, and the only thing missing is the pile of surplus ammo cans stacked in the corner. Isn't that required for 5 star? :D
Good Luck and Buckets of $$ to you guys...

Hopefully I'll get down to Draper / Camp Williams way on .mil business again some day.

I'll definitely visit (and spend).
Very well done! Yours is only the second store I've seen that utilizes a nice light background for your displays. Gives so much better detail to all the goodies! Best wishes for tons of success!
Now if you'd just move the whole operation to my neck of the woods.........
Still a great country, eh?

I'll be there monday, I'll try to drag some friends and relatives along.

For those that wonder-

The staff does indeed know thier stuff!
I have got to visit Utah sometime. I really wish I could swing by. Yeah I know get more wives and move to Utah, or was it the other way around? Yes I read your blog, everyday. :)
Private Pyle, you do NOT have any major malfunctions!!!!

That is one good lookin' store. I wish I lived closer to shop at it. Best wishes, success and $$ to you and yours!!
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