"The NRA is the terrorist’s best friend"

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who cares if they start screaming? it's their dime. every call that we make is a little less money they can spend on fraudulent billboards. i'm calling again.
it's their dime. every call that we make is a little less money they can spend on fraudulent billboards. i'm calling again.

Be careful. Next year's quote:

"We are obviously making a big difference, and people are starting to understand that guns are evil, evil, EVIL! Our 800 hotline received 25,000 calls over the past year!"

They will omit the fact that most calls were from irrate law-abiding, gun-owning citizens defending their 2A rights.
“Guns kill as many people as automobiles. And cars have safety regulations—we require licensing and registration for their use, we require safety belts. And they’re made for driving! Firearms are made to kill. Toy guns and teddy bears have more federal regulations than the 50-caliber guns used by David Koresh and Osama bin Laden.”

Crap like this should be a felony :barf:

And there are THOUSANDS WHO BELIEVE IT :cuss:
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