The Other Maryland Trap Shoot

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Jul 15, 2003
People's Republic of MD
I followed with some interest the recent PGC get-together for THR Marylanders. Unfortunately I was unable to attend. It wasn't that I did not want to go, but......(cue the dream music)

I started shooting trap again this past summer after a 25 year break. (no pun) My wife encouraged me to join one of the local gun clubs that share the range about five miles from our house. For those of you that know, I joined Moumental Pistol and Rifle Club that is part of the Associated Gun Clubs of Baltimore range. Over the summer at the monthly club league shots, my first couple of rounds were in the mid teens (15 to be exact.) I have worked my way up to high teens and the occasional 20+ round.

Well to improve my shooting and to get a little more involved, I volunterred to be the club trap league coordinator. Not much to do except show up early, set up the field , service the thrower, take folks money, take down the field service the thrower, and stay there til the end. Well what's not to like.

Yesterday (11 Jan) was my first turn at this new job. I am proud to say that it went off without a hitch except that I acheived a new low on the first round (10) and a new personal high on the third (23). Nothing was broken, damaged or otherwise harmed during this event. Oh yeah 7 fellow club members braved the cold. Hardy bunch.

Once I figure out the system (ie how to reserve part of the range), maybe another Maryland shot can occur up at the AGC trap range.

Sounds good, maybe I should head there next Sunday. What time? I've shot there some. If it helps, I'll get there a hair early and help set up.
I'm up for it and belong to Monumental.

Dave - Monumental has a club trap league that meets the 2nd Sunday of each month. I think that's where 00-guy was. It was a close decision on my part which one to attend yesterday. I made the right choice, not that the other one would have been bad.

Welcome 00-guy.
You can count me in. I enjoy shooting at Marriotsville and do so when I can on Sundays and Wednesday evenings.

Broke my first 75 straight up there and looking forward to my first 100.

It's always a very relaxed atmoshere, friendly, helpful people and @ $2.50 a round for members a good deal.

I'd be happy to help if I can.

MikeK is correct. The club trap league is the second Sunday.

Actually I was talking with one of the range officers. He told me that if I wanted to schedule a shoot for some friends on a Saturday, just to let him know. (Members of AGC pay $2.50 and non-members $3). So maybe here in the future we can do that gettogetherthing.

Also Duckman is correct. The general range is open Weds nights and Sunday afternoons to the public.

Hey Marylanders....
What ranges are you shooting at? Browsing this thread is taking me back in time. I grew up in Randallstown and joined Associated Gun Clubs of Baltimore, Patapsco was my local range...if I remember correctly it was on Mariottsville Rd and Ward's Chapel (I wasn't shotgunning then). Used to work at Carrol County Shopping Center Kmart :eek: .
Been living in NYC since 1984 and just got my NYC Rifle/Shotgun Permit ($$$!) & my Pistol Permit is Pending. I haven't owned a gun or shot in 20 years. This city is so resistant to firearms it makes my skin is monolithically anti-gun.
I will be getting my first shotgun this week or next and hope to find a range accessable by public transport and within my budget.
Reading about all the range action is making my mouth water :D
OK, I understand now he's not doing this every Sunday. So when do we shoot at AGC/Marriotsville?

And Lovegas, I'd rather do hard time than live in NYC.
00-guy, I plan, if the weather and work allow, to be at Marriotsville range 9:30 or so this Sunday to help you set up. I have to work later, but I should be able to squeeze in a lesson and a round or two.

See ya, and I hope others show up also.
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