The Quisling Effect

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What I am saying, since I think you might have missed the other threads that go along with this one and taken my post in a way that it was not intended.

Over the last couple weeks there has been multiple threads where people have either asked about the talk about having to go after a corrupt governmment and whether that talk helps us or hurts us, or as in another thread, celebrated as a person fought back against what some people (incorrectly) thought was an abuse of power.

A few other participants as well as myself have cautioned strongly that coming out publicly at this time and talking about the possibility of using force. We feel that it hurts our cause more than helps it. See the other thread that is currently running HERE

So my point was in response to Riley who said
By all means continue petition and persuasion, but know that without the implied threat of consequences, .gov will not abandon its course.
(in all fairness Riley continued on that the threat need not be violent....), in addition it was agreeing with liquid tension who was saying that
The problem with the "implied threat of force" is that without mass public support, the threat of force means very little.

So my response is that there is no realistic threat from us, since we can't even come to a consensus on whether or not to discuss the possiblity. If we can't make that decision with a majority decision on this forum, than I in no way see us as presenting a threat to the gov.

Further, I am actually arguing against that public discussion.

Any further questions?

It's not too late for a "ballot box revolution".

If the American people could be pulled off Wife Swap and Fear Factor long enough to clearly understand were we were, were we are and where we're headed, they would vote in a Congress and President that would make the right kind of changes. That requires a new kind of media, one that does not exist now.

The two major political parties very successfully keep the voters in their separate camps and unfocused as to their future and that of the Country. I don't see the other major party being one much about unification, just different special interests. So's mine for that matter. Change in this arena requires a new kind of political party, one that does not exist now.

Tinfoil: check
paranoia: check

Welcome to the 21st century where information is the biggest commodity. The bank turns over records to the government? So what. The government already has a file on every citizen as long as your arms. If you raised suspicion, they have always had the means to investigate your background further, computers only make it a bit easier. There are what, maybe close to 300 million citizens in this country, probably hundreds if not thousands of potential terrorists, several thousand murderers on the loose, Several hundred thousand military personnel to keep track of, all while trying to keep track of who owes what in taxes? The .gov is way too occupied with more important matters than to worry if John Q in Piss Hill Oregon has a SKS with a questionable bayonet mount, or if Susie Q in Stinkhole Tennesee has taken birth control pills in the 1980s.

Maybe people have way too much leisure time on their hands that allows them to think themselves into such paranoia. Maybe young boys and girls have had poor role models or teachers on how to grow up and be self respecting and damn everything that is politically correct and morally empty. When a man has refused to defend a neighbor child in need because of a law, his position is morally indefenseable. I hope he has to look in the mirror every day and see what kind of failure he is. The man who is afraid to publicly load his guns into his car is a sissy looking for false acceptance by people. When I go tot he range, I load stacks of rifles in my truck, crates of ammo, and make no bones about what I'm doing. Everyone who knows me knows that I'm a gun enthuiast, I've had a few negative encounters with people becauseof this, but I write them off as being the weakminded and I'm not going to bend to their will to please them. I've been asked for my socialist security number by many institutions, and told them its none of their damn business, the last one being a realtor I was working with, she was actually appalled that I would be so rude to not give her information she wanted, and she admitted that the information would be used for an advertising database. If people realize that its not a crime to A. do what's right and B. offend people, they will have a whole lot less to wring their hands about in life.

The .gov is way too occupied with more important matters than to worry if John Q in Piss Hill Oregon has a SKS with a questionable bayonet mount, or if Susie Q in Stinkhole Tennesee has taken birth control pills in the 1980s.

Uh, sorry, you are just plain wrong.

Welcome to the 21 century.

Uh, sorry, you are just plain wrong.

Welcome to the 21 century.

Well the difference between me and you is that I can have a sense of humor about it instead of stressing myself to an early death over a fact of life that A. I can do nothing about and B. has virtually no bearing on my life.
Where is the line?

Sir Aardvark,

Where, exactly is enough? How do you know that then is not too early, or too late? I think everyone here would appreciate a concrete reference point for such action-I sure would.
Sorry, but it would have to get really bad for the masses to rise up. Heck we just had a presidential with 60% turn out and it was a record. Our citizens wouldn't riot until thier cable tv didn't work.

I'd encourage everyone to write to their elected officials. At numerous boards over the years, I have read eloquent and impassioned articles from folks who have never writen a letter to their congressman. It is a shame.
Revolutions can be more about greater expectations and less about the current oppression (see the chain of the French uprisings through the 1830s, 1848, 1871 -- they rose up whereas some of their more oppressed neighbors did not). And the French events didn't have a nationalist trigger as did the East European revolutions of was all about wanting less interference with people's lives (even if the positive programs ranged from naive to nonexistent).
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