The Republican spending orgy

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You can convince your employer not to withhold from you (I do know a couple people who have pulled this off) or quit and get a job that gives you more control over your money. Salaried jobs at large corporations are probably the worst jobs to have from a tax-evasion point of view.

you can do more than convince, you can show them the law. your employer is not a legal witholding agent. our tax system is voluntary. as such, an employer cannot collect taxes you aren't liable for.

According to the law, the company cannot compel anyone to complete an IRS Form W-4 or any similar state form, nor to obtain or disclose a social security number. The law does not allow the company to deduct sums for taxes, fees or other charges WITHOUT the worker's voluntary, written authorization.

this isn't a tax evasion scheme in any way. most americans aren't liable for taxes according to the constitution as well as the ucc and the irs codes
The problem in a nutshell (IMHO)

Taxation rates will never rise high enough on the radar screen as long as we have such a large part of our population that derives benefit from all the fat government programs while shouldering very little of the actual tax burden.

As long as you have that are willing to trade paying just a little bit/little bit more in return for large entitlements we have a problem.

Thats when the Dems start trotting out old folks and kids and accuse the Reps of trying to kill/starve people just because we want to limit growth of some programs.

Best move we could make (IMHO) is to push all the "welfare" programs and entitlements (AKA-PORK) back down to the State level.

Then you could vote twice...once with your ballot...once with your feet
There's been a change in the Republican leadership since the 1994 "revolution." Newt Gingrich is gone, as are John Kasich, JC Watts and others who came into office supporting the Contract With America. It may well be that Kasich, Watts and the others have left out of disgust with what's been going on.

Running deficits during bad economic times isn't necessarily a poor strategy. Imagine that you lost your job and then your kid got really sick; would you borrow money from your home equity to take care of your kid? I'd bet you would. What you would not do is go out and buy a new expensive toy, which is what the Republicans are doing with the prescription drug plan, ethanol subsidies, and so on.

The Republicans (including Bush) think that if they can beat the Democrats at their own entitlement games, they'll win in 2004. I'm beginning to think that strategy is going to backfire on them, and that a good chunk of the conservative base will stay home, as they did in 1992.

Look at what they've accomplished by passing the prescription drug plan. It was originally Kennedy and Daschle's plan, and now those two are beating up on Bush, complaining that it doesn't go far enough. By election day next year, the seniors are still going to believe that Bush doesn't care about them. $400 billion was wasted trying to court votes that GW largely will never get.
The Republicans (including Bush) think that if they can beat the Democrats at their own entitlement games, they'll win in 2004.

Which is exactly the problem. Most Republicans and Democrats support things that they believe will get them elected, rather than supporting things that they believe are true and good and right.

I have greater respect for a principled man with whom I disagree than I do for a con man that only claims to agree with me for the purpose of getting my vote.
Hey guys, read some history!

Don't forget that the Republicans were the ORIGINAL big-government party! That socialist rag "The Nation" was founded by REPUBLICANS! It was the Republicans who gave us Prohibition! (and the females, but I'll save that for another rant:D ) As far as I'm concerned, Lincoln=Lenin!
I admit that I am not happy with Bush supporting the wrong medicare plan in congress or with giving some support to the supreme court edict on diversity, or having ted kennedy write the education bill but what is also important to me is that he is clearly pro-life and has made positive moves on that issue. He has also pushed tax cuts. The assault weapons support appears to have been a smart political move - though it has serious risk. I do agree with going to war with Iraq and do not believe the case for war was a basket of lies as some are saying. As for a republican controlled congress - is that really true? How many of those are RINOs? I pretty much agreee with Rush Limbaugh's analyses. They seem to be trying to whoo liberals/Democrats with social spending in order to get reelected. Problem is you cant just turn around and act differently or you lose them on the next election cycle and u cannot outspend the opposition as another poster has mentioned. I am holding out that Bush appoints conservative justices anywhere he can as that can have a huge impact on our nation. its not a perfect world and I doubt there will ever be a perfect candidate for conservatives that can get elected AND have a congress that will enact all of their proposals.

Just my 2 cents.

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