The ultimate Bug Out location.

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Working Man

Jun 8, 2005

No Man’s Land Fort can be yours for $8 million!

I wouldn’t want to live on a man-made island (surrounded by sea all the time). Don’t you think it would get a bit too lonely-n-boring? It isn’t a bad idea for a short weekend getaway for sure. But definitely not to make it your home! However if you are a loaded recluse kind of a person then No Man’s Land Fort can be your future address. It was originally built between 1861 and 1880 off the coast of Portsmouth, England and was designed to house up to 80 soldiers to help fend off the French Navy. At nearly 200 feet across the fort rises 60 feet above the ocean and already has generators for electricity and its own water supply. At present it is being used as a luxury hotel equipped with 21 lavish themed rooms, two helipads and heated indoor swimming pool. However the fort is up for sale after the owner’s company collapsed and he was sentenced to jail.

This exotic location (do you really think so?) is well known to passengers on the Isle of Wight ferry and it also featured as a backdrop to a 1971 Dr Who adventure called The Sea Devils starring Jon Pertwee. Hey, did I mention the anticipated price of this piece of land……its somewhere around $8 million!
It's under British law,no need for any weapons there is nothing to shoot.Great place for fishing rods...
That would be a good place to wait out the z----- situation. You could put solar pannels on top and current turbines underwater for electricity, and just fish right off it. Maybe a garden up to for growing carbohydrates like potatoes or rice. The only problem would be other survirors with boats, but you could see them from afar, and a Barrett .50 should do the trick.
The only problem would be other survirors with boats, but you could see them from afar, and a Barrett .50 should do the trick.

if youv got 8 mil to buy it im sure you got the spare change to pick up a few destroyers and maybe a cruiser fromt he USA or former USSR

This exotic location (do you really think so?) is well known to passengers on the Isle of Wight ferry

that being the only problem i can think of
I've got an idea.

Make prisons out of abandoned islands.

And don't let them out.

Surely the US has a couple of islands in its jurisdiction.
I've got an idea.

Make prisons out of abandoned islands.

I might be a little slow here ... you know the British used australia and New Zealand as a prison? Not exactly abandoned though. We still make jokes about all aussies being from criminal stock and they're still chippy about it.

Back on-topic, that would be a dreadful bug-out spot. Far too well-known, hard to defend without a sizable force and could be an engineering nightmare to keep going. What a target for people who want to take over your spot or kill you if they can't.
its in a terrible spot right next door to portsmouth.:mad:
as they said of um qusar iraq's only port
its the size of Plymouth a royal marine was quoted saying nah not like plymouth its dirty everythings broken no good looking whores or decent pubs and people keep trying to kills us its more like portsmouth:D
any zombies probably in johanna's drinking pernod and black and trying to pick a marine or matlot up :evil:
portsmouths main export for the last 400 years has been war

although AI do have a factory there unfortunatly they don't have a factory discount store:fire:
Sorry no weapons not interested Want nothing to do with England silly laws or taxes. . Besides would take a lot of people to defend that place. and a air strike would reduce to nothing I know sell it to Rosie
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