The Unit (Again)

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The Tractor

The tractor was a small Ford. Most of them run on gasoline, although some are diesel. Now if it had been a John Deere 4020, I would have had problems with them pulling fuel from it ( a diesel).

With that said, I think they do a good job of demonstrating the attitude the men are trained to have regarding adverse circumstances. In Boy Scout Woodbadge training they told us to recognize, know, and utilize the resources you have available. These guys do that to the nth degree.

Instead of saying "Oh well, they got away." They worked hard to find a way to stay in the game. Is it always technically correct? No. Is it more correct than 99% of what is on TV? Yes. Some things do have to be sacrificed either for dramatic effect, time, or even a desire not to teach bad guys how it is done. (Haney omits a fair amount of detail in his book of "how" things were done.)

It is fiction, after all, so try to 'suspend your disbelief' as they say in theater, and enjoy one of the few shows that supports gun rights folks view of the world.
No, even better is how they got that old Pontiac to run that long on a gallon of gas!

And my wife won't watch any shows with guns in them now that we have TIVO. I don't complain about all the Hollywood gun handling, endless magazine, and all the other stuff you see, she complains because I constantly pause it to see what kind of gun they are using.
Haney is, if I recall correctly, the co-producer and someone who has been lambasted by those who served with him in Delta. Would it be fair to say he is the Army's answer to Richard Marcinko (abset the conviction, of course)?

When the team is moving through the smugglers home in Mexico (or maybe the farmhouse on the other side of the border, can't remember) to clear it, all of them except SGM Blane have their 1911s with the hammer forward.

They weren't all carrying 1911s. At least Brown was carrying a Sig 226.
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The Unit is one of a very few shows I budget time to make sure I see.

I always liked David Mamet's work - he always struck me as kind of a hard case .

Find the terrorists, shoot them , go on to the next mission. Just the simple kind of story line I like.:evil:

Jonas favouring 1911's helps as well!
No, even better is how they got that old Pontiac to run that long on a gallon of gas!
That is a good question. Though to the shows defense, they don't show them stopping after a gallon, or that they didn't refuel while in the town. ;)

This episode is the first full one I had ever seen. I enjoyed it. I saw bits of them hunting down (being set up for a trap by) a sniper last week maybe. I liked how it showed them moving through the mission. I like that there isn't a 10 minute long scene with everyone sitting down and figuring out what to do next. See the problem, address the problem, move on.
I love The Unit - may have missed one episode since it started.

Steffie and Tom - first season - ticked me off. Not gonna happen.

But the one thing that does concern me is that every time a show like that comes along, the US average public starts to think our military is full of units who can do anything, operate without planning (they don't show the planning, or they only hint at it), speak several languages and operate equally comfortably in Paraguay or Afghanistan.

They hint at the training; they hint at the planning; they hint at the teamwork. But in a unit like that, those three things are everything.
"It didn't happen. Period," said Burruss, who became Delta's deputy commander in June 1983 and spent nine years with the supersecret organization.

I don't really care about Haney or what he's done or not done. But when "It didn't happen" is followed by "supersecret organization", isn't is kinda obvious...
I only saw parts of the episode involving the smugglers on the border. Was I the only one who saw their super-l33t "operator" walking sideways, firing blindly while facing away from the muzzle blast?

As AFS, I suppose it's great for a cartoon. The real world doesn't work like that, though, in fact it doesn't even come close.
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