There is a federal prescription database?

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Nov 6, 2003
I always wondered if .gov could use past prescriptions to turn down NICs checks or CHL permits, but figured they did not have that data. But this says they do....

Some news accounts have suggested that Cho had a history of antidepressant use, but senior federal officials tell ABC News that they can find no record of such medication in the government's files. This does not completely rule out prescription drug use, including samples from a physician, drugs obtained through illegal Internet sources, or a gap in the federal database, but the sources say theirs is a reasonably complete search.

It makes you wonder if this will possibly be used for some new legislation at some point like stricter background checks involving "mental health" prescriptions.
All scripts are logged into a federal database. One can only imagine how the information will be used in the future.
All scripts are logged into a federal database. One can only imagine how the information will be used in the future.

To keep this short, i'll say this: You're wrong.

I don't know where you got your information, but this is not the case.

I work in a pharmacy and in some cases a centralized database would be nice, however the only people that keep central databases are the individual pharmacy chains. The only way the gov't would have records of prescriptions is if you get them on welfare plans that are being billed off of the gov't funds...and even those often are administered by a 3rd party HMO.
My wife is a pharmacist, so I'm really getting a kick out of these replies...

:neener: :D :scrutiny:

The closest thing to a log they keep would be for the controlled substances or for the pseudoephedrine, but that log is kept in the pharmacy until the DEA, police, or BNDD (Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs- bet many of you haven't heard of that one, I hadn't) wants to see them (usually the local cops looking for the usual troublemakers and meth heads). The pharmacy keeps a log of your scripts, but that is more for troubleshooting drug conflicts, and is often shared among all the stores in the chain. Can you imagine if the pharmacist was unable to see that the heart medication just prescribed by your cardiologist ran headlong against another drug you were taking by another doctor? That's why they keep the log. It also tells them why the insurance isn't paying for the early refill, or gives them a reason to smirk if a person claims "I ran out of my oxycodone" when they were given a month's supply 7 days previous.

If there's a national database of what everybody is on, then not even the pharmacist knows about it. I believe our friends across the pond would call that "not bloody likely."
It's all kept on a small microchip in Dick Cheney's brain.
He can access it immediately, allong with all your biometric data. I think it also goes directly to the UN. They get it from a secret spy satellite overhead and those black helicopters that Ross Perot sees all the time.
The only possible defense is wearing aluminum foil on your head, atleast 10 layers of the HD stuff to be safe.
Good luck.
I work in a pharmacy and in some cases a centralized database would be nice, however the only people that keep central databases are the individual pharmacy chains. The only way the gov't would have records of prescriptions is if you get them on welfare plans that are being billed off of the gov't funds...and even those often are administered by a 3rd party HMO.

I'll sleep better now, thanks.
Ok, there is no database, just a microchip in Dick Cheneys brain. Then what were they talking about in that story on Or is it just completely fabricated?
Those In Government Seem To Know More About We The People Than They Should.

They are not supposed to be our keepers. Those in government are supposed to be our servants. In stead, we are now the sheep to be herded. They pretend to know best. They make themselves out to be indispensable and us to be in need of their wisdom and beneficence, lest we starve, or engage in deleterious behavior.

We are of but little use to them beyond to vote for them and pay taxes. To that end, we are dumbed down, misled, misinformed, alarmed(the global warming debacle), distracted and "entertained" while we are taxed behind our backs, systematically stripped of rights, and disarmed step by step for the day to come when we will not be able to resist or turn back.

The shepherd and his dogs are there to protect us - from the wolves, they say - but their dinner time always rolls around at the end of the day, doesn't it! So, if we all must be sheep, some of us had better be rams and bust a few heads. We need to stop being 'easy pickins'. There are other ways to feed the shepherd and his dogs without sacrificing the herd. It's bad enough getting fleeced on the ides of April, must we also be bled at dinner time?


Look at your rights and freedoms as what would be required to survive and be free as if there were no government. If that doesn't convince you to take a stand and protect your inalienable rights and freedoms, nothing will. If that doesn't convince you to maintain your personal sovereignty, you are already someone else's subject. If you don't secure your rights and freedoms to maintain your personal sovereignty now, it'll be too late to come to me for help when they come for you. I will already be dead because I had to stand alone. B.E.Wood
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I also work in a pharmacy, and I'll also call "bollocks" on this one, in the UK vernacular! :D

There are databases among some chains, and insurance companies. State Medicaid, at least here in NC. Maybe Narcotics, as mentioned earlier. But NO all-inclusive FedGov database!!!!!!!
woodcdi said:
They are not supposed to be our keepers. Those in government are supposed to be our servants. In stead, we are now the sheep to be herded. They pretend to know best. They make themselves out to be indispensable and us to be in need of their wisdom and beneficence, lest we starve, or engage in deleterious behavior.

We are of but little use to them beyond to vote for them and pay taxes. To that end, we are dummed down, misled, misinformed, alarmed(the global warming debacle), distracted and "entertained" while we are taxed behind our backs, systematically stripped of rights, and disarmed step by step for the day to come when we will not be able to resist or turn back.

The shepherd and his dogs are there to protect us - from the wolves, they say - but their dinner time always rolls around at the end of the day, doesn't it! So, if we all must be sheep, some of us had better be rams and bust a few heads. We need to stop being easy pickins. There are other ways to feed the shepherd and his dogs without sacrificing the herd. It's bad enough getting fleeced on the ides of April, must we also be bled at dinner time?

This is quite good. May I use it?

Originally Posted by woodcdi:

They are not supposed to be our keepers. Those in government are supposed to be our servants. In stead, we are now the sheep to be herded. They pretend to know best. They make themselves out to be indispensable and us to be in need of their wisdom and beneficence, lest we starve, or engage in deleterious behavior.

We are of but little use to them beyond to vote for them and pay taxes. To that end, we are dumbed down, misled, misinformed, alarmed(the global warming debacle), distracted and "entertained" while we are taxed behind our backs, systematically stripped of rights, and disarmed step by step for the day to come when we will not be able to resist or turn back.

The shepherd and his dogs are there to protect us - from the wolves, they say - but their dinner time always rolls around at the end of the day, doesn't it! So, if we all must be sheep, some of us had better be rams and bust a few heads. We need to stop being 'easy pickins'. There are other ways to feed the shepherd and his dogs without sacrificing the herd. It's bad enough getting fleeced on the ides of April, must we also be bled at dinner time?

This is quite good. May I use it?

Just credit it to me as "B. E. Wood". (It might help book sales if I ever get it done!)


PS: I corrected the spelling.
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