these TV cop shows are ridiculous

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I liked the original Law and Order because I like Jerry Orbach (RIP) and Sam Watterston. Of course, I miss Perry Mason.

If any of you have had medical training you'd laugh at ER. Nothing on television is real.
Yeah I dont watch them...after COPS aired in the 1990s it was over for me and those stupid brain dead TV programs. "Car 54 Where Are You" re-runs on Nick At Night were kind of funny but that was a little before my generation.... HAHA
I used to watch cops until I heard the police sargeant in St. Louis describing an AK47 and why no public citizen should own one.... now I tell my friends and family not to watch cops. The less viewers the show gets, the less HORRIBLE information the viewers recieve.

On a side note, the Dirty Harry movies were IMO some of the greatest cop related films ever. I loved the fact that the good guy was a cop going after the bad guy, who was also a cop :) Changed the way I view LEOs in general...
i like seeing bad guys get caught, yeah.

as for police chases, i don't really understand how they let them go on so long without shooting the driver of the other car *if* they get the opportunity. fleeing cars are high speed massive deadly weapons that often do injure and kill innocents.
I'll never forget one episode of 'The FBI', when ol' Ephiram Zimbalist Jr. is standing on a railroad overpass, whips out his .38 snubbie and one-shots some perp running flat out down the tracks at about 150 yards...

My dad & I howled for a good five minutes at that one.

COPS just makes me mad. I can't believe those local departments and individual cops would sign a release after seeing the way peoples rights get violated on that show. I'd think they'd be scared spitless of being sued into oblivion.

I instantly switch stations as soon as I hear John Bunnell's voice.

I find '48 hours' fascinating and the cops very human.

And I love those idiots on 'Disorderly Conduct'. Lots of Darwin Awards & honorable mentions...
Favorite T V cops

Reno 911 does it for me. When Niecey Nash maced the guy that said he had his cd of "Kill the Pigs" stolen I laughed so hard I thought i would croak.
While not exactly a cop show, my favorite program is the now defunct "FBI Files", in which the actors play agents who went undercover to nab big time bad guys. As Zinj mentioned, "The New Detectives" is another good real-life detective show.
I DVR the FBI files, it's pretty fascinating. Also regulars are COPS and Walker, but my tastes change. I tried CSI, but gave up on it almost immediately.

I agree, the cops always seem to have their hands on the perfect person who is always available to meet and give them insight into a relationship, problem, or other issue. I would love to see an episode of Law and Order where the waiter who served the murderer left town to visit her sister leaving McCoy and the eye candy scratching their heads in confusion wondering what to do next.
The sad side of it is that maybe 70% of the public (My estimate, don't go screaming for references) believe what they see on TV is what really goes on. Sitcoms, whodunits, reality shows, et al., if it's on TV, it's so! So many myths come out of Hollywood that Joe Sixpak and Suzy Soccormom take as the Gospel. I seldom watch the the box, and the few programs that I do watch are the 48hrs type of show, as well as an old HSB when I can find one.:cool:
If I try to watch the local "Cops" show, my blood pressure gets up, so thats out. Guess I'm just an old cynic!:D
Procedurals are what procedurals have been since the days of Perry Mason. They bear no resemblance to reality and aren't supposed to.

Best cop show around: The Wire.
Starsky and Hutch has to be on the top of this list. Two plain clothes detectives in a car you can spot five states away?

I enjoyed it though, as it was said before - it is suppose to be entertainment.
The only one I can handle is Reno 911. It's only watchable because it's SUPPOSED to be stupid, that's the point. The other shows are equally stupid (even the real COPS) but it's just sad how they play it off as reality. I always wonder where the hell the police department got a budget for Hummers when I accidently see a peice of CSI. :rolleyes:

The only time I ever enjoyed watching COPS was when I saw someone I went to high school with getting busted for drugs. I nearly pissed myself laughing...:D
What?? TV cop shows ain't real?


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