Think big brother ain't knocking at the door?

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For so long I've been hanging on to the Repugnant (ican) party, convincing myself of the benefits of voting for the lesser of two evils.
I have now decided to vote my conscience.
Virtually without exception, the bush has taken steps that will, in the future, pull this once great country closer to the Socialist brink than any other time in history.
The TIA is another handful of nails in our coffin.
RIP republicans.
I took my son for a flu shot late last week and was confronted with a rather voluminous multi-page document to sign regarding how, when and why my son's pediatrician would release medical info about my six year old to the federal government. REALLY ticked me off. I'd be happy to retype the doc so THR folks can read and enjoy.

Needless to say, I didn't sign a dang thing.
And you'll vote for who, 80? The Libertarians, self described spoilers who put more Dems in office than they ever manage to place of their own? The answer is to work at the bottom up to get better Republican candidates and alter the party and the politics. Essentially what the Libertarian Party should have done to actually matter in politics, but apparently they never really cared to do this.
And you'll vote for who, 80? The Libertarians, self described spoilers who put more Dems in office than they ever manage to place of their own?

You are giving the LP too much power. Rarely are their votes larger than the margin of difference between the Dems and GOP, and while the "gun Libertarians" probably would vote Republican if forced to vote one of the two parties, the "weed Libertarians" and "choice Libertarians" would vote Dem first. You cannot assume that all the LP votes would slide neatly to the GOP.

And you'll vote for who, 80? The Libertarians, self described spoilers who put more Dems in office than they ever manage to place of their own? The answer is to work at the bottom up to get better Republican candidates and alter the party and the politics. Essentially what the Libertarian Party should have done to actually matter in politics, but apparently they never really cared to do this.

Can you please remind me of the great Republican presidents of the last 40 years?

Richard Nixon? Welllllll, I didn't think so.
Ronald Reagan? Without doubt the closest we've come.
Gerald Ford? Allrighty then.
George the 1st? Hmmmph. Just another wasted vote.
George the 2nd? Time will tell but can you say: TIA, Homealnd security, Patriot Act.

Although only old enough to have been voiting since "Ronaldus Maximus" first term, I am less free than I was 22 years ago.

I realize that voting for another party besides the "big two" is in effect a throwaway. I also realize that conscience must play a role in my future voting choices.

If I were to analogize my political views with my religious views, I don't think I'd be considered a very good Christian.

I certainly am in no position to bash anyone who's conscience tells them to continue to vote Repub., I've been there for 22 years.
:( :(
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