This Again?

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Lead is a toxin. That's a fact. There are ways of dealing with this at ranges via proper design and mitigation and there are lead free cartridges but lead ain't good for you or anyone else.

It sucks but that's the reality.
I thought lead ammunition was already banned in California? Or was that in only certain areas?

The downside to the push to ban lead in ammunition has quite a bit more clout than other gun control bills. The EPA has quite a bit of influence to throw around in banning lead in ammunition. Their usual stance is the lead seeps into ground water, but there has been little empirical evidence to support that. Protecting scavenging animals must be their backup plan.
I would imagine it would be illegal to cast your own bullets as well?
Nothing more than a tool of the gun grabber. Next they will claim a brass shortage, or some such. It's part of their agenda.
I'm really surprised they haven't said gunpowder is a pollutant.
This Again?
They are hitting us from all sides

Thats why they call themselves progressives. They are patient enough to wait it out and just take an inch of our freedoms now. Sooner or later we are Greece.
This is tried over and over again and environmental regs limit what can be done because of specific exemptions for ammunition for most uses.
I have said all along, they need to examine the data from areas where lead is already banned, and see if there has been any difference in the affected animals.

What REALLY makes me grind my teeth, is that they have introduced California condors to the north rm of the Grand Canyon. This means they will be feeding in southern Utah. Soon, they will be talking about banning lead in at least those areas. We are actually IMPORTING California's problems.
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