This is why I'm often ashamed to be a college student.

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I worked as an RA for a year, because I needed the housing waiver.

That said, there's a little rule amongst RAs.

If we don't see it, it doesn't exist.

The guy in question is a moron.

He is a moron because he was playing with an airsoft gun he knew was against regulations with the FRIGGIN' DOOR OPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whether or not the policy is stupid isn't the issue here.

But if you are going to break policies, keep the FRIGGIN DOOR SHUT!!!!!!!!!!!

Admit Nothing! Deny everything! Make counter accusations! Always close the door to your room. Wait to make life a tad more difficult for a certain RA! :evil:

Just give in- it did happen to you, and the sooner you come to grips with it, the more advice you'll be able to accept.

Hill Billy is right, all the RA's I've had have the don't ask, don't tell kinda deal.

My last RA said that unless it was blatently obvious, she didnt see it. Like, if you had what looked like it could be a beer can in your garbage, she wouldn't investigate, but if you had a 6 pack on your table in plain sight, she would have to do something.

This year's RA said that as long as there wasn't someone else there (that could get him introuble), that he could look the other way.
Zahc, I can't believe you would do this and then be upset about it!

1) why in the world would you allow someone else to use your gun?
2) um, with the DOOR OPEN?
3) if those are the rules, then those are the rules - live with it or move to another school
4) what courses are you taking, anyway?

j/k ;)
"Are you a gun enthusiast? Do you own a gun? Would you consider purchasing a firearm in the future? If so, would you research the model of the firearm, and its power?"

None of your bloody business. Have a nice day. Time for off campus housing, or better yet, a new re-education school.
One more bit on the "If I don't see it, it doesn't exist" rule amongst RAs.

RA's are students. They have to worry about the same things as every other student...grades, finances, etc.

Not only do they have to worry about the same stuff, they also have to deal with idiotic training requirements put on them by the college. They have to worry about all sorts of other stupid, petty, administrative crap.

They do not go out looking for more trouble. They do not go out looking for students to get into trouble.

They don't have to.

Idiotic students find the RA's, instead.

Just one example.

When I was an RA, the dorm I was in had an idiotic "check-in" policy. All visitors after a certain hour had to "check in" at the front desk and leave a signature and an ID.

The college put that stupid rule into effect after a highly-publicized "dorm incident" involving what may or may not have been a gang rape and some athletes. The question at the heart of the matter was if the alleged rape victim had or had not been witnessed dancing on a table at a local nightclub loudly proclaiming to everyone within ear shot that she was going to go home with the athletes and get her freak on with all of them.

Regardless if it actually was rape or not, after the incident, the college was covering its own ass and basically doing a big "public relations" move by putting in idiotic rules to pacify all the mommies and daddies and to convince all the good people that they weren't sending little Johnny and little Susie off to Sodom and Gomorrah where they would be regularly gang-raped in their dorm rooms.

So, there's the sign-in and leave your ID rule in effect after 8:00 pm.

When that is the policy, and you know it is the policy, it is a bad idea to be 18 years old, and check in and leave your ID while you carrying two cases of beer that you have sit down on the RA's desk while you sign in and leave your own, actual ID (that shows you are only 18) and leave the actual number of the actual dorm room you are transporting your illegally owned beer to.

Forest Gump's momma was right on. Stupid is as stupid does.

And no, I am not kidding here.

I actually had to bust somebody who was stupid enough to be an 18-year-old in public possession of two cases of beer (Busch Lite) and who publically carried the two cases of beer right up to my desk, signed his own name to the list, put down which room he was taking his illegally possessed beer to, and left his real driver's license that showed he was only 18 at the time he was toting the two cases of Busch Lite.

When I was an RA for one year, I also had to bust folks who failed to close their dorm room door while lighting up their joints....If you're gonna smoke-a da weed, at least close-a da door.

I mean, c'mon.................

Something like this makes me glad my school is like it is. It is a small school that is a division of the U of MN. The major programs are ag, natural resources, and equine. Means we get mostly small town, country kids, none of that stuff big city colleges have. I would say that at least 90% of the guys on campus hunt and lots of girls do to.

We can even have airsoft guns here too. There are kids shooting them in the halls all the time and our RA hasn't said a word.

We have a room that we are supposed to keep out guns in, but I am 99.9% sure that there are a bunch of people with a gun behind the seat of their truck. We can also keep our bows in our rooms. :)

hillbilly - You might have been a great RA, but the RA at one of the dorms I was in definatly went out of his way to bust me with 3 bottles of Guiness - leftovers from a six-pack I'd had at an off-campus party a few days before. He was doing one of his "health and safety" inspections and noticed 1 bottle cap on the floor under my bed (must have missed it while cleaning). I was not even in the room at the time. He waited for me to come back, then left because I was gone for a long time, and then when he saw me returning came to my room. Asked if I had any beer in the room. After saying no, he told me to either open the fridge or he would call security and have them open it. Made me dump the beer down the drain. At least he didn't find the Ouzo and Tsiporo (Greek moonshine - my friend and I took to calling that stuff Jet-A) in my lockbox.
Don't think they would even care at Texas A&M. Of course you got seniors in the Corps of Cadets walking around in riding boots wearing swords everywhere too... :rolleyes:
Wow sumpnz, thats REALLY bad. Im in a communist section of the country, and everyone is pretty good about it.

All our RA's would have ignored it (and not even looked under the bed).

AND, they will ASK to look in our fridges (even though school policy says they can look in it when they want), and even if you say yes, YOU have to open it! The same goes for your room. My room was getting busted, and I was writing some random software, and they asked if they could check my room. I said, yeah, whatever (I really didnt care, and wasn't hardcore THR yet). They said for me to come open the door. I said no, and they told me they couldn't open it.

So, I said, screw it, no, I am not going to open the door. So, they said have a good night, and left.

They are pretty darn respectful of rights, especially for a private school in a communist state.
I'm sorry, but I don;t feel very sorry for this person who got busted, he knew very well that "guns" (even though this was a toy) were verboten, yet he persisted in playing with it WITH THE DOOR OPEN - as was mentioned above, this is plain idiocy and it has nothing to do with gun control gone wild.

I've lived in University apartments and they do not allow firearms, but I *may* have had firearms in my apartment, but they were well out of sight, and I would never give anyone an opportunity to see them (apartments have much more privacy than dorms though).

As far as the paper with Micheal Moore, "Bowling for Columbine" is the most widely known film on guns, so it stands to reason it would be something that the administration would use to try and get this putz to "think about the issue".

Also, I don't believe this story is entirely true. A disciplinary board would not make this kid write a 10-12 page paper as a well prepared and written paper of ten pages takes a considerable amount of time to properly research and formulate, most boards would ask for a five page paper. This sounds like something that is written to make people angry, like those inane spam emails sent out about atrocity's after the hurricane in New Orleans.
I made a few mistakes in college that violated dorm policies and such... I wish I could say the same for my RA's. they were like a hitler youth camp with personal vendettas all around. several times I had to slam the door in a few individual's faces for trying to physically push their way into my room. luckily the woman who ran the dorm was a very liberal woman who sympathized with her kids under her control and was more than cordial and understanding when matters were brought to her by power tripping RA's. some are good, some are bad... my floor wasn't too bad, but they had divided areas of the building, and regularly the ones just looking to mark up violations roamed other areas and called the police all the time for infractions and such.

school is a traumatic experience lol... I still have nightmares about missing an exam or forgetting about a class for a few weeks by accident and such... even though its been over 6 years since I stepped into a classroom :D
all the RA's I've had have the don't ask, don't tell kinda deal
Yeah, we have a "don't ask, and Azrael256 won't kill you" kinda deal. Most of the kids in my dorm are freshmen, and evidently I am quite intimidating. I go out of my way to be extra-nice, especially to the kids in my own dorm, but they're all still afraid of me. Even my RA, who is a very sweet young lady with a serious interest in a CHL at her next birthday, is a little bit wary of me. Nevermind that carrying a pistol, even with my CHL, would be illegal on campus, and nevermind the fact that while I believe it to be an assinine law, I do not feel compelled to break it.

That said, nobody ever searches my room or even gives it a thought because I never give them reason to suspect anything.
I had a CCW when I was on campus, and it was forbidden to have firearms on campus (well, you could check them with security, but ammo couldn't be checked or stored, so what was the point?)

I lived in a bad area, and made my choice, and acted in a way so that my actions didn't come back to bite me in the butt.

It's not hard. Having said that, I wouldn't have had the door open, been playing airsoft :rolleyes:, or handed anything over to the RA. But that's me.

Regardless, if I chose to arm myself in violation of the posted rules, I still hold that I did nothing wrong. Sometimes this stuff goes too far.
wowsers, went to U of Miami(fla) in the 70's.
i had to leave guns at the on campus police station. but i had 24/7 access to them. went in a 2 am on a saturday and my .45 was not availible????? got the rest out and checked them, 2 had been fired and not cleaned and one had the sights realingned.

called the director of security down there at 4 am.... he got my .45 back from the yahoo that was " giving it a safety exam " over the weekend. and gave me wirtten permission to keep my guns and ammo in my dorm room.

as to other non apropriate items, while the statute of limitations may have run out further deponent sayeth nought.

"Are you a gun enthusiast? Do you own a gun? Would you consider purchasing a firearm in the future? If so, would you research the model of the firearm, and its power?"
None of your business, none of your business, none of your business, and none of your business. None of it in any way related to the violation, which was a fairly minor one.

Research the make and model of the weapon that you fired on campus.

2. The guiding mantra of the Office of Judicial Affairs is responsible freedom. Develop an interpretation of responsible freedom and apply this meaning to your actions in the incident.
Well, there was no actual incident, but "responsible freedom?" How about taking the responsibility for your own safety by owning and being proficient in the use of a real gun, including on campus.

Watch the movie, Bowling For Columbine, by filmmaker Michael Moore.
They'll try anything.

1. 1 sharpened pencil
2. 1 picture of Michael Moore (8x11 or bigger)


Hold picture in left hand with pencil in right hand (vice versa for lefties). Punch many holes through photograph (50 minimum). Send picture and pencil in a manilla envelope to the "Coordinator of Judicial Affairs" along with a short note.

"Dear Katie, you wouldn't happen to know about any movies that could assist me in ending my violent picture pencil fetish, would you? - Thanks for your cooperation."
Times change...

I wonder what the current punishment would be for blackpowder-from-firecrackers fueled vienna-sausage-can launcher that my roommate and I made in college?
Thank god I never will have to deal with that kind of BS. Ever!

I honestly feel sick after reading that vomit inducing letter.

This is where I would make my stand!
1. Research the make and model of the weapon that you fired on campus. Write a description of its power, including velocity of bb, firing range, etc.
2. The guiding mantra of the Office of Judicial Affairs is responsible freedom. Develop an interpretation of responsible freedom and apply this meaning to your actions in the incident.
3. Watch the movie, Bowling For Columbine, by filmmaker Michael Moore. Identify the main theme of the movie. Comment on your thoughts on the film's theme. How do you feel about the film's portrayal of the Columbine incident and its critique of current societal laws regarding gun control? What duties do you feel accompany gun ownership and/or use of a firearm.

By pointing out every flaw and every lie in this movie, and make a 2A stand that would make our founding fathers proud.
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