This just in from the NRA !!!

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Having a slim majority in the Senate doesn't mean you get to do anything and everything you want to do. As a practical matter, you have to have a 60 votes supermajority to get anything controversial passed. If there are 51 Republicans, that means they'd need 9 Democrats to cross party lines and support the bill.
Aside from the threat of a filibuster (a REAL one, where the opponents are FORCED to talk 24/7, not the nonsense that passes for a filibuster today) the problem is that the GOP didn't even try.

If you try, you may not succeed, but if you don't try, success is not an option.
This is in the House so unless there are a majority of House members to sign the discharge petition, it will be unlikely to leave a committee run by John Conyers. Even if it did get discharged, I imagine we wouldn't care much for the markups and amendments that are going to be added to it.
If the feds are going to insist that one state recognize another, I'll be that there will be minimum standards that no one but NYS will like.

I think you meant NYC. Most of NYS is shall-issue with no training required. Unless you call listening to a guy talk about gun safety and applicable use-of-force laws for three hours with no test and no shooting "training". I found it quite informative and am glad for having attended.
rangermonroe said:
I have a slight constitutional problem with this one, so you all set me straight. What gives the Feds the right to tell the state what to do on this issue?

I believe they would be upholding Article IV, Sections 1 and 2:

Article IV

Section 1. Full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state. And the Congress may by general laws prescribe the manner in which such acts, records, and proceedings shall be proved, and the effect thereof.

Section 2. The citizens of each state shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens in the several states.
It would not create a federal licensing system;

Which means that it would indeed create a federal licensing system.

Tell me of one thing that "federalization" has done right.:scrutiny:
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Don't Fall For It

The only thing Congress should be doing regarding citizens carrying arms state to state, or for any other aspect of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, is to repeal all the unconstitutional law and instruct the several states to do the same. Period. That will solve the problem without further embedding all the unconstitutional law now on the books under a spate of exceptions to all that unconstitutional law.

It's all BS, my friends. It's nothing more than an attempt to appease everyone who is concerned about the infringements upon our RKBA and concerned about the disregard for the protection of the Second Amendment while leaving the underlying unconstitutional law on the books. It is placation; nothing more. Don't fall for it. Every layer that gets piled on makes it that much more difficult to remove the unconstitutional law.

This law is not any form of advancement. Don't fool yourself into thinking it is.


It is way past time we in this country got back to arming ourselves the way our Founding Fathers so wisely saw fit to insure us the impunity to do so in the Constitution. B.E.Wood
I fully expect NJ to be the first state that bans handguns altogether. That will take care of this proposal.

I agree with this prediction. If they don't ban handguns alltogether, they will play a semantics game with the wording of the federal law. They will invoke the exception for a state’s laws governing where concealed firearms may be carried within its borders. They will argue that since a person who doesn't qualify for a NJ permit cannot carry anywhere in NJ, the whole state qualifies as "off limits" under the new federal law. Convoluted logic, I agree. But a NJ court will uphold it.
No way, no how, no when. Thanks Republican's, for not passing this bill (or one like it) when you had the ability.

Never had the votes in the US Senate unfortunately.

US House under Tom Delay passed a repeal of the DC handgun freeze.

The Senate ignored it totally.

Did someone not get the message our Congress is bicameral?

And Feinstein et al had a lot of power to block gun bills in the Senate?
Article from Hearst Newspaper Group

This came out a few years ago, but it is still relevant today.

Here's the important part from the article. A quote from a NJ district attorney on reciprocity for CCW:

"Every state is entitled to pass their own criminal laws," Doran says. "We don't object to the way Texas or Florida or Mississippi conduct their business down there, nor should they object to the way we do business up here.

They should not object? Last time I checked, making an objection was a form of free speech. So he's saying people don't even have the right to peacefully protest about NJ gun laws?
I think its good PR. That is, we have to make forward progress and quite running on the defensive. We need to follow a process of incrimentalism--in the other way!

We need to see more bills like this proposed, pass or fail, to get the public realizing that hey, 48 states allow CCW?? I didn't know that, but sure seems popular (and since I'm a sheep, that must mean its right).

Probably a long shot, but it could be something the Democrats could get behind as they're not giving all that much up--all the states are responding to the commonsense populace demand of CCW with (largely) positive results. No bloodbaths or daily instances of road rage killings, etc. Then they could be all gun friendly and we can continue the royal Bush/Clinton tradition of keeping a member of one of those two families in one of the top two offices for another decade or so.
"Every state is entitled to pass their own criminal laws," Doran says. "We don't object to the way Texas or Florida or Mississippi conduct their business down there, nor should they object to the way we do business up here.

It isn't about New Jersey, New York, Texas, Mississippi, or Florida laws or the power of the states to write their own laws("do business"). It's about the People of the United States and their Right to Keep and Bear Arms regardless of which state they live in. Tell Doran to put that in his bong and smoke it.


You can live free holding the stock and possibly never have to pull the trigger, or you can try to live free at the muzzle. I prefer to hold the stock and live free. Those at the muzzle never seem to fare quite so well. B.E.Wood
even if it were to pass you think states like NJ would follow it?

No. NJ wants it's own citizens to be totally defenseless. You can bet they won't tolerate people from other states toting guns around.

It's almost funny. The only LEGAL means of self defense here in Lautenbourg, other than your bare hands, are guns. The degree of difficulty in obtaining a gun permit varies from inconvenient, to downright impossible, depending on the police chief of your town. If he wants his people gunless, he sites "Insufficient reason to issue" as the excuse for turning down your permit application. That's it. Your only option is to move to another town, and try again. Or, move to Pennsylvania. America starts there. Any other type of weapon is illegal, and the POSESSION of most are felonies, like slingshots, for example.

Here's the list of illegal weapons, again. Slingshots, knives with blades > 3", batons, Tasers, blackjacks, billies, nunchuchas, brass knuckles, throwing stars, pepper spray, crossbows and mace. If you are a disabled hunter, and get documentation from your Dr., you can get a crossbow permit. Permits are also required for airguns and muzzleloaders. These would be the very same permits you need for firearms.

Now, if we can only figure out a way to regulate sticks and stones. :barf:
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Anyone holding your breath on this one?

If for nothing else then to see Mayor Daley and Gov. Blagojevich each do their Linda Blair "The Exorcist" (heads turn all the way around and then spit pea soup) impersonations. :evil: :D :neener:

As long as it DOES NOT create a federal licencing system then it's good. It should work like marriage drivers licences and vehicle registrations. Right ???

I'll call/write my congressman (Peter Roskam - R-IL 6th, NRA - A or A+ IIRC) and my Senators ( :barf: ) Durbin and Obama.
Hi Ranger

"The question is, for those of us in combloc states that have out of state licenses (like a Florida non-resident), will those be good in our own states?"

You live in Upper Lautenbourg, so you know how impossible it is for a NJ resident to get a carry permit. You don't think they are going to honor a permit, from another state, issued to a NJ resident, to whom NJ would not issue a permit, do you?
How many of you have contacted your Congressman about this bill? Like has been said before, going on the offensive is a hell of a lot better than playing defense all the time. I'm horrible at writing to people, but I just wrote to my Congressman.

How about instead of you people saying "It's not gonna happen" you spend that energy voicing your opinion to your congressman and try and make it happen. I myself am getting sick of the attitudes of gun owners and their lack of initiative trying to change the way the laws are. Of course they're never gonna happen if you don't grow a pair and do something about it instead of lying on the ground in the fetal position begging to be left alone. What makes you any better than the sheeple you complain about?
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