This teacher should be packing!!!!

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That did not call for lethal force IMO. The teacher did an excellent job of de-escalation, and did not show any fear. That said you will notice it is a Moroccan student in Holland. The teacher is obviously Dutch. Draw your own conclusions.
I was talking with some people I know from the Netherlands about this and they said their laws are so harsh that if anyone ahd made a move against him they would get sued. :cuss:
None of those kids attempted to defend their teacher? If that happened in the HS I went to, the minute the sheetheel started to lay hands on the teacher we would have had half of our football team on top of his silly head.
Wow! :eek: I can't believe everyone else just sat there like lumps. When I was in school I saw a couple of students get decked by teachers after the student either grabbed them or shoved them.

That teacher even put his hands in his pockets when the punk was right on him. :scrutiny:
That kind of stuff goes on on this country all the BTW.

Very true. From my high school experience, shop teachers are about the only teachers left that will deal with problem kids. We once had a kid walk into the room and start vebally assualting the shop teacher (verbally, not physically). Teacher grabbed him by the shoulder and drug him to the office. The kid was suprised that the teacher did something to him.

Other than that, most teachers will call the office and wait, even if things are getting physical and people are getting hurt. remember, intervention only makes things worse :rolleyes:
This is, unfortunately, the ultimate product of the liberal mindset. When everyone is 'equal' then no parent, no teacher, no adult can infringe a child's 'right' to do as he wishes.

The really sad thing is this-where is that kid in three or four years? He's out in the world, dealing with us.

At my high school, in about '74 or so, a kid got into the PE coach's face, then made the mistake of taking a swing. The coach decked him proper - no bandying about. That kid gave him no guff the rest of the year. Neither did the rest of us. And the coach was a short, quiet man - not a bully. :)
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