Thought it was a joke, but no some people really are that dumb

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Why is it these people think the only way mankind can kill each other is with a gun? As I recall they stabbed Caesar to death. And I'm a lot more afraid some idiot will run over me with a car, then shoot me.
The sites a put on and we're taking ourselves waaaaay too seriously.

When I started reading it my BP started to go up, but it kept getting nuttier and nuttier and my BS sense began to kick in. A further examination of the site brought me to the conclusion that it is a clever parody trap intended to present "articles" so ridiculous that people just have to respond but not so ridiculous that it is obvious it's parody.

The fact that this parody is being mistaken for an actual position held by the author is what strikes me. We've seen this same fractured "logic" from people that are afraid of guns and refuse to learn anything about the issue, but insist that all gun owners are evil, all Pro2 organizations are evil and that their reality is the only valid one. This guy has taken it that one step further into the absurd, but still kept it within the realm of possibility that someone would believe this babble.
The sad thing is that there are actually people who believe some of that stuff.
Wow...I don't really know what else to say. I can't fathom that there are people that disillusioned out there. That’s a bit unnerving. What an idiot, and so are alot of the people who made comments back.

I do get a kick out of how they are "standing up for what they believe" but they don't even have the balls to put down their username, they go by anonymous. Hahahaha.
Even if this was posted as a joke, the people who wrote in supporting the statements don't seem to have done so in a joking spirit.

I just don't get why they think its there buisness to pass laws which will never effect them, targeting things that they don't own, when the people who will run out to enforce those laws will be carying the very things the laws ban.

its just illogical.
Is it any more logical to demand citizens be disarmed then when victimized call someone armed to come to protect them? What about those libs like Dianne Feinstein that believe no American should be armed but then when she feels threatened gets herself and her body guards guns and CCW permits? If someone is anti-gun they should at least have the integrity to endure their own victimization and if need be die for that belief. In fact when antis force their beliefs on others aren't they forcing others to be easier prey and in many cases dies without the chance to fight back?
I can't stop laughing

What's to stop him from pulling out a concealed handgun, blowing your head off, getting your home address from your driver's license, going there and murdering your wife and young children, and then taking his own life? Remember, these people believe that all they have to do is "make their peace with the lord and call him savior" and they will be immediately delivered to eternal bliss.
It seems to me that decent Americans with families have much to fear from this mentality. These people believe there is nothing they can do that will prevent them from an eternity of pleasure with a lord. That includes the cold-blooded murder of young children.

Answer: My conscious, morals, non-psychotic attitude, prison, etc etc.

***. This is the most entertaining thing I've read in awhile. That paragraph made me think of the whole kill an american go to paradise with 70 virgins thing. lol
What's to stop him from pulling out a concealed handgun, blowing your head off, getting your home address from your driver's license, going there and murdering your wife and young children, and then taking his own life?

Hmmm, let's see, because that would be illegal? Wait, if being illegal won't stop the crime then why make owning and carrying the gun illegal? Are antis really so inconsistent in their beliefs to think that criminals who are willing to use a gun in the commission of crime would think twice about breaking the law to obtaining the gun and/or breaking the law to carry the gun? The only people that are willing to obey the gun laws are the people that gun-grabbers say gun laws are targetted towards. :cuss: :banghead: :cuss:
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