thoughts on the political aspect of things

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Dec 24, 2002
sowest pa.
The accepted wisdom, accepted wisdom often being wrong, tells us that Republicans are Pro-Gun, while Democrats are Anti-Gun. As I noted, the “accepted wisdom" is often wrong.

Having said that, and with respect to the VA Tech shootings, there will be a plethora of “solutions” offered to the problem of school violence, most all of which will include or be composed of things that will or would trash constitutional rights. Last year’s elections brought Democrats into control, narrow control, of both the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate.

The Democratic machine sought out Pro-Gun candidates, in an effort to overcome the distaste caused by the well documented anti gun record of Democratic leadership in both houses of the national legislature. Well, in the aftermath of the VA Tech shootings, “the rubber might well meet the road”, re the above mentioned drive for such idiocy as “sensible gun control”, or “common sense gun control” as Senator Dianne Feinstein has already spoken of.

Push coming to shove on specific legislative proposals, the people of this country will get a real good look at the actual positions of their elected things, be they labeled Democrat or Republican. How they vote, as opposed to what they claim, will well and truly tell their constituents where the peoples servants actually stand on questions involving basic civil rights and constitutional rights. I suspect that the visible results will prove most interesting to view, informative also.
Given that I do not live in Texas, where he represents a congressional district, what is he running for nationally?
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