THR - Are We Prescient

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Sep 12, 2003
It seems that THR as a group is prescient (can see the future). Many times while watching the news I find myself thinking "that's not new - we discussed that on THR a couple of months ago."

It seems to happen quite often. For example we were discussing illegal immigration and it's impact long before the main stream media picked up on it. Condileza Rice running for President has been a topic on here for at least a year - maybe longer. I don't remember the MSM picking up on that story ever (though I've seen it mentioned in some off the wall, secondary media). Just this morning I saw a story where Condi categorically stated to the press that she would not be running for president when she was told that all the polls show she is the only national figure capable of beating Hillary. The talking heads seemed to think the idea or Condi running was something totally new.

And those are just two examples I can think of off the top of my head and on the spur of the moment.

Maybe the President should sign up on THR to get a handle on what's important to the people before it gets important to his buds in the main stream media.
Or he could say- "These are the nut's were giving gun's to?!? Someone pick up my string's vacation's over were going back to Washington!"

Werewolf, just where do you think THR people got the information that made them appear prescient? They got it from the news. Neither of the examples you gave are particularly new information, the topics being long term here as they have been long term in the media.

As you noted, the talking heads make it sound like the idea of Rice running is something new. That is their job. How many times can you cover a potential topic without it getting old? Is Rice running or not? They play it up.
The talking heads seemed to think the idea or Condi running was something totally new.
I don't know that it's necessarily true. There has been talk of Condi running for president for quite some time, but any move in that direction is about two years away. I think the news folks know that the average attention span just isn't that long. As an aside, she'd get my vote.

I do think that your chosen adjective, prescient, is very accurate. We don't see the future, but we do recognize the significance of people and events far in advance. I don't think we're harnessing our latent psychic ability, but rather thinking ahead about what might happen. The folks around here tend to be very logical, and highly educated - not schooled, educated. That type of analytical mind tends to recognize trends and is thus able to predict, with uncanny accuracy, what is going to happen. Of course, some of us are flat-out wrong sometimes, but even then, plenty of us get it right.
Yep, I watched Dr. Rice right there on national TV tell Tim Russert that she would not accept a nomination for president, ever. Of course, she could be lying...who knows.


MR. RUSSERT: Before you go, I'd like to read something from The Washington Times. Headline: "Americans for Rice, a group that hopes to draft Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice as a presidential candidate in 2008, has paid for a 60-second ad to run in Des Moines, Iowa, on Tuesday night during ABC's `Commander in Chief,' a new show about a female president of the United States. Iowa, of course, traditionally holds the first presidential contest, a caucus system. The same ad appeared in New Hampshire...during the Sept. 27 broadcast of `Commander in Chief.' New Hampshire, of course, traditionally holds the first presidential primary."

Would you accept a position on the Republican ticket in 2008?

SEC'Y RICE: Tim, I'm flattered that people think of me in that way, but I think it was on your show that I said I don't know how many ways to say no. I really am--I'm not somebody who wants to run for office, haven't ever run for anything. I don't think I ever ran for high school president. And I think I'm doing what I need to do, which is to try and promote American foreign policy and American interests, the president's democracy agenda at an extraordinary time. And to the degree that I can do that across the world, that's what I'd better keep doing.

MR. RUSSERT: So you absolutely will not accept a position on the ticket in 2008?

SEC'Y RICE: Tim, I don't see it--I don't know how many ways to say no.


SEC'Y RICE: Tim, I don't know how many ways to tell people that this--I have no interest in being a candidate for anything.

MR. RUSSERT: Well, but no interest is different than no, absolutely no.

Was that last "no" about running? :evil:

I'd like to see her run but she sure sounds aginst it. However, her statements left her some room and even if she stated baldly, "I will never run under any circumstances", she could always turn around in '08 and say "it is the people's will" ... it would play.
Someone who doesn't want public office...

She's an even better candidate than I thought! :evil:
Condi categorically stated to the press that she would not be running for president when she was told that all the polls show she is the only national figure capable of beating Hillary.
Maybe the President should sign up on THR to get a handle on what's important to the people before it gets important to his buds in the main stream media.
I already have signed up.

Oops, I've said too much. You didn't see anything.:neener:
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