THR/Molon Labe shirts and hats are finished

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Moderator Emeritus
Dec 19, 2002
This batch is done. 90% of it will ship to you guys tomorrow morning. I'm still waiting for one more box of shirts, which should arrive tomorrow. So you last few will have yours shipped on Monday.

OD green hats have not come in yet. Apparently I'm the only person in the country buying that color. They have discontinued it. We are in luck this batch however, I found a warehouse that had a few hundred left. OD hats (and the shirt orders that accompany them) will probably go out early next week.

This will probably be the last run of OD green hats. :(
Correia - are there going to be any extra hats, or unclaimed hats. I didnt get my order in time before, but if there is any extra hats, i would be interested, particualry if this will be the last run of od green ones. Thanks.
Okay, I am in whisper mode when I ask this question, because I don't want to widely broadcast the fact that I am quite the moron.

What exactly is Molan Labe?
I would be interested in Vote from the Rooftops tshirts and hats if you can choose from a variety of gun silhouettes on them.
Back in town. Was away since Friday.

I should have extra hats. Don't know how many yet.

The rest of the shirts came in. I'll box those up and get them sent out tomorrow.

Still waiting for the green hats. Should be along shortly.

Negative on the Vote From the Rooftops. That is somebody else's design, and I don't poach. :)

OD hats showed up today. Everything is boxed and will go out tomorrow.
I just discovered THR today, via a link in someone's blog, and I'd be interested in a Molon Labe hat (ANY color as long as it's not pink, or polkadotted :D) of my own.

How do I find out more about these?

Carla, I have some extras. Black, tan, light weight khaki, and a couple OD green (the last ones ever) :) Drop me an e-mail for details. My e-mail is in my profile.
Molon Labe Polo Shirts

I got my shirts today. They all look great!

Thanks for putting all this together!

are there any extra's or did you only make them from the pre-order. I didn't pre-order but would still love to buy a hat and shirt.
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