Three cheers for the deaths of Americans in Iraq!

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Duncan and Cactus,
mea culpa
You are correct and I thank you for pointing that out.

Major combat operations in Iraq have ended.

USS Abraham Lincoln, May 1, 2003


That'll teach me to go off half cocked and misfire.

Every time I hear some talking head quoting U.S. "casualties of war" numbers that include people killed in traffic accidents, I can't help but shake my head. Yes, absolutely, Peter, I think it would be fair to say that the fact that Sgt. Johnson was killed when his humvee rolled over outside Baghdad proves beyond doubt that the Bush White House simply did not bother to plan for the hatred Iraqi patriots would show for the invading American hordes . . . . .

By the way, don't read Ted Rall. It is definitely possible to keel over stone dead from sheer disbelieving contempt. Rall says, verbatim, that Iraqis who kill Americans and Iraqi "collaborators" are patriots, while the Iraqi police who work with Americans are "traitors." He compares the Iraqi police force formed by the Americans to Nazi collaborators in France. He says, and here I quote exactly, that Iraqi police and American soldiers who die in Iraqi bombings "get what they deserve." That's right: Saddam Hussein's Iraq, according to Ted Rall, is best compared to WWII-era France, while the United States of America most closely resembles Nazi Germany.
Fighting land wars in Asia is a risky business. I'm sure we're doing well, considering the numbers of American troops and risks involved, but any American losses are too great a price to pay, as far as I'm concerned.

We should just have treated Baghdad the way we treated Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, then offered to accept unconditional surrenders from all the Islamic terrorist states.
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