[THRKharma] Steyr M Holster

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Dec 24, 2002
Wichita, KS
Over on the Makarov forum they have started this new thing called MakarovKharma (which apparently started over on the Sig forum where it was called SigKharma).

Anyway, how it works is someone has something they don't need so they put up a thread in the forum, then people reply to the thread before a certain date ... then the person with the stuff who started the thread draws one of the names out of a hat and viola we have a winner! Then the item is shipped to the winner.

The idea is that one builds up Kharma by giving away stuff they don't need (which I guess the cosmos will repay) but mostly it builds the community and, ya might get free stuff :).

If it catches on, it should be fun!

Okay, so by now you are all probably thinking "yeah yeah , we got it now get to the goodies!"

I recently bought some Steyr M40 magazines from spacemanspiff and when he shipped me the mags he threw in a free holster without telling me (awfully cool of him if you ask me). Well I've just finished converting a pancake holster I had into an IWB holster (when I snap some pics I'll post a thread) and I like my holster better then the one I got from spacemanspiff and since I got it gratis I figured I'd pass it on to some lucky THR member.

The holster is a High Noon Tail Gunner w/clip for a Steyr M series (it also works well with an S series). It looks just like the one pictured, only its for a Steyr and is used (still in good shape, finish just a little worn ... what do you want, its free :p ) Its a nice IWB holster that should serve anyone who CCWs a Steyr quite well (cornbread2 can feel free to lecture the winner via PM after the drawing if he likes :neener: ).

Here's the pic:

So if you want in on the drawing, just reply with this thread before 10am MST Monday Feb. 2nd and I'll choose a winner. (I'll draw on the 2nd whether that stupid groundhog sees his shadow or not). Don't worry about including your address or anything in this thread ... I'll contact the winner privately to get that info.

Disclaimer: No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited, taxed or otherwise frowned on. Members of VPC, MMM, Brady Campaign or current Democratic Presidential Candidates not eligible, Contest open to US residence only (sorry, but I'm giving this thing away, I can't afford to ship it half way around the world)

Again, I hope this catches on because its pretty cool over on the Makarov forum (and I imagine the Sig guys enjoy it too).
I don't have a Steyr, so don't put in the drawing. I just wanted to say that this is very nice of you to do. I hope good Kharma comes your way :D

Since I am the official High Priest of the Steyr Cult I think it would be fitting to give me the holster as an offering to the Steyr Gods.


I don't know if you remember or not but I have 2 M Series and 1 S Series pistols. I can promise that I would give it a good home, and whenever I am in MN I will use it to carry.(no carry here in WI) Past post with pics of my babies

Congrats on a good idea. I wonder what kind of stuff I have laying around.

I have an M-40 and a S-40 and NO holster for either. Please enter me in your cosmic give-away. Thanks.
The OLD Utahskibum:)

I know bumping can be annoying, but I wanted to make sure anyone interested who usualy checks in here on the weekends instead of during the week would catch this thread.
i do not have a holster for my M9. please enter me. thanks for the chance.
I have an m9 and m40 and have been looking forward to using them as carry guns. Steyr, the gun that Glock should have been. Just for cornbread, I will carry with one in the chamber.
I have been lurking here daily for about a month. I'm new to the hobby and have been learning alot from other members. I purchased a M9 several monthes ago and have not yet found a holster for it. Please enter me in the drawing.
Drumroll please ..............

And the winner is...


Congrats Sberk, and I'll be PM and/or emailing you to get the mailing address.

Hopefully this catches on here as its a pretty cool way to get rid of some unused stuff (and even more fun when you win stuff :neener: ).
Anyone here know this Sberk1 guy?

I sent him a PM when I did the drawing, and my message tracking says he hasn't been on THR since Feb 1st.

I'm not sure how long I should wait for him to contact me (note to self: in future Kharma threads, be sure to include a deadline for response from winner or there will be a re-drawing).

Well if I don't hear from him in a week or so I'm going to assume he's not coming back and redo the drawing (so mephisto, you may yet have your chance :p )
Zundfolge: Email sent. Sorry, I've been out of town for a week, just got back. Thanks.
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