Ticks in N.C.

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Mar 19, 2007
The boy's got back yesterday from N.C. where they put up their stands. My youngest pulled about 25 one day and some more the previous day. Amongst the 3 of them they figure they pulled about a hundred. Now will have to watch out for lime.
Hello friends and neighbors // The tick size is the thing to look for.

In Mecklenburg county NC the dog tick is responsible for Rocky Mountain spotted fever this tick is about the size of a .22lr base (max) or smaller.

The deer tick that carries lyme disease is much smaller, closer to the head of a straight pin in size (MAX) and usually smaller.

There are other ticks with their own presents for us. Shrub everywhere with a brush and look for red areas later. Taking a picture is a good idea to monitor changes. You might also want to keep the ticks in a jar just in case the Doc. does need to check them for diseases.

We as boys could get into everything at least once.:D
Good luck ... getting them through safely.
I've only ever pulled one tick off of myself and that was in N.C. I've yet to have a single tick on my hunting in Pa, Ca, and Florida. Which is odd because the hogs I kill are chock full of them and you would think between hunting in that area, field dressing and butchering of the hogs you'd think I'd get a tick or three.

Must be luck I guess.
crazy im in the woods here 2-3 times per week and dont have much of an issue. hell i was doing a small burn (5acres) and was digging fire lines all the way around 4 of u had 4 ticks after the entire day in knee high grass
I am fairly certain that my Lab has Lyme disease right now, but the blood test won't be back until next week.
I don't hunt in n.c., but my son and the neighbors kids do. They saw a lot of big bears this time out. There are a lot more deer and wolves in n.c. They hunt near the coast.
we do have a lot of ticks... i used to get them all the time when i was younger and built up an immunity to spotted fever. lyme i have no experience with though. You can wear whatever you want, clothing or sprays, but nothing beats periodically checking even before you end your day in the woods. catch them before they latch on. (contrary to the song's implications, you don't have to be naked to check for ticks) Thank God for Frontline though. The only ticks we see on Pepper (beagle) are the dead kind.
There are a lot more deer and wolves in n.c.

ummmmm.... HUH??? there are very limited populations of wolves in NC they are limited to the red wolves of the Alligator river national wildlife refuge and maybe 1-2 other experimental releases in NC. there are no truely wild populations left in NC they are only on the wildlife refuge that i know of.

lots of coyotes though. and toooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnsssssssssssssssss of deer.

anyone that looking for big bear check the following counties: Craven (my home and home of the heaviest black bear ever killed), jones, pamlico and carteret. those are the places we have good luck for big bears. got a 680lbs this year in Jones
This has been a bad tick season for whatever reasons in North
Carolina. I went into the woods on my old family farm about a
month ago, just looking around, and I came out with at least
fifteen ticks attached to and crawling on me. North Carolina led
the United States at one time in cases of Rocky Mountain Spotted
Fever. North Carolina also leads the nation in poisonous snake bites.
If you're going to go outdoors in North Carolina, watch your step and
be careful. On average, I see two to three copperheads in my yard
every year. This is in the suburbs near Raleigh, N.C. Newcomers to
this area need to pay attention to their surroundings when they go
outside to participate in recreational activities.
There are no ticks in NC. They are all in the Missouri Ozarks and the largest concentration of them are in my woods.:rolleyes: These use Deep Woods Off for a garnish and the only way I can keep them off is to use one of the pheromone sprays on my clothing the night before I step out of my yard. I wish they made a Frontline for people as I use it on my dogs and I never see a tick on them.

Wow am I the only person who has dedicated woods clothes that have been dipped in Frontline and are never washed... But that dosent work entirely but has significantly decreased the amount of ticks I find after coming out of the woods... all joking aside I truly hope everything comes out ok for your boys.
A little OFF and other such sprays go a LONG ways to not getting ticks and skeeters. I noticed that I am less likely to get ticks when the skeeters are bad because as it turns out, that is when I am apt to us OFF or some comparable product more. Funny how that works.

Ankles, waist, arms, neck, and head and I am usually fairly well protected.
The rabbits I cull from the yard here in Cincy are covered with ticks. :(


The wife thinks the bunnies are cute, but she's never held one in her (gloved) hands.
I'm convinced that the bad tick season we're seeing in NC this year is punishment for going "blue" for the first time in a long while and helping to elect "The One" to his exalted office on Pennsylvania Avenue. The Egyptians were punished with locusts......we're getting ticks......
A few years back I shot a rabbit in the early fall that had been making a pest out of its self in my garden bean patch. When I picked it up it was literly covered with ticks, The other night one of the channels had a documentary on moose. In the southern part of their range they get infested with what are called winter ticks to such an extent that they die. They showed one and it made my skin crawl. What a way to go.

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